Friday, January 9, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Many people question the value of honesty. They say that it is not possible to be successful in the world without cheating from time to time.  But here we see that God hates cheating and LOVES honesty.  This shows us that the issues of honesty and integrity are not simply a personal choice, but part of the nature of God. Wicked people are brought down by their own wickedness. Righteousness rescues and wickedness destroys.
    God has a totally different perspective and economy than human thinking.  One man gives freely and then gains even more.  Human logic says that the way to accumulate is to hoard and keep everything you can.  God says that generosity brings prosperity.  And, to God, prosperity is not limited to material riches.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Picking out a few thoughts from all these great proverbs is a challenge. One thought comes from 12:15 that tells us a fool always thinks he is right, but a wise person will listen to advice.  Learning to listen to people who can help through their experiences and insights is a very important part of growing in life.  Be willing to listen and learn. Don’t only look for someone to be a “yes man” to say everything you do is perfect.  That is like the boss who plays golf with his employees and has to win every game or the employees are in trouble.  This is a good lesson because no one knows everything and no one is perfect.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to encourage people to seek out the great insights of life that are found in the Bible. This takes lots of reading and digging, but it is always worth it. Along with the major teachings of righteousness and truth are many nuggets that fill in the cracks of life to make life so much better. Keep digging and reading for all that God has revealed in his word.