Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    If you talk with most people, they will probably be adamant that the things they are doing our right. There are people who will admit that they do wrong things, but then they will quickly justify their actions and make excuse for what they know they should not do. So that seems like, even though they are admitting doing things wrong, they are still saying that they are right because they come up with an excuse. We are told here that every way of a man is right in his own eyes. But then we are told that the Lord ponders the heart. God sees our hearts and knows our motivation. To God, what is in our heart, is vitally important.
    Especially in our modern world, pleasure is vitally important. People want to have fun and will spend huge amounts of their resources to have a good time. But we are told here that the one who loves pleasure will be poor. Some people are financially poor because of the amount of money they spend on pleasure. Some people are relationally poor because they put all the emphasis only on fun, and not developing positive and strong relationships with other people.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    There is another passage that talks about the importance of training children. Some people seem to think that children will just grow up and automatically know everything they should, and then they will do what they should. That is simply not true. When we look at all the verses that talk about the heart without Jesus, we know that people are not naturally good and caring. If children do not learn right and wrong by being taught what is right and wrong, if they do not learn respect for others and how to get along, they will grow up and only have many, many problems.  My parents understood the importance of proper training. My wife and I also understood that as we raised our children. I will continue to encourage people to raise their children with proper discipline and sharing the love of the Lord with them.

3.  How can I help someone?
    One of the verses here talks about the blessings of being generous. God’s economy functions well and flourishes as people are generous with the resources God has given to them. As we learn the blessings of generosity, we will see God’s provision in our lives.