Monday, January 19, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Don’t sit around waiting for everything to be perfect, because it probably won’t be. If a farmer were to wait for perfect weather, he would never plant crop or harvest one either. So, plant your crop and stay busy. Do the work you need to do and trust God to provide. Outside of serving God, life has no real meaning.
    This author has been very successful in life. He was wealthy beyond imagination and took advantage of every comfort that was available to him at the time. Many people were jealous of what he had. At the conclusion of his life of seeking meaning and satisfaction, his final words in this book are this: remember your creator in the days of your youth.  Don’t waste your youth. It is often very hard for young people to see the future and realize the extreme importance of serving God. But we are challenged here to serve God and not waste the energy of youth on sinful or shallow things that have no real meaning. Outside of serving God the only conclusion to life is what this author said, all is vanity.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    What was the conclusion of the whole matter? Fear God and keep His commandments. Everyone who grasps this truth and applies it will receive the blessings and benefits that come to life. It is important to remember that God will bring all of our work into judgment. This includes every secret thing that we do, thinking that no one knows. It may be good or evil, but God is aware and keeps a record of life. So, it is vital that I fear God and keep His commandments.

3.  How can I help someone?
    This very wise author learned the lesson that trying to live life in our own strength and wisdom will lead to failure. His conclusion that submission to God in obedience to His word is the best life, will be a benefit to all who apply it.