Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 7 & 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Children, store up the commands of your parents.  Write them on your heart and bind them to you.  Keep the commandments and you will live.  Temptation is a smooth talker and will trap you with lies.  It will look so desirable and satisfying.  The truth is that it will destroy you.  Stay away from places where you know the tempter will be.  Following the tempter is like an ox going to the slaughter. Listen and don’t let the temptress turn you away and be one of her victims.
    Speak truth and detest wickedness.  Let only just words come out of your mouth.  The instructions and knowledge we receive are more valuable than silver and gold.  Wisdom is what we must seek after.  Fear the Lord and hate evil, pride and arrogance.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Wisdom, real wisdom, Godly wisdom makes all the difference in the world.  It turns life around.  So many people do stupid things and destroy their lives.  True wisdom guides a person and keeps him/her on the right path.  Wisdom goes beyond learning and head knowledge to know what is right and how to apply God’s truths.  Seek wisdom.  Learn it from the Bible and from Godly people with experience in life.  Gather wisdom and don’t ignore it.  Finding wisdom helps a person find real life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Get as much godly wisdom as I can and share it.  Help people to see the difference between Godly wisdom and the foolishness of the world that masquerades as wisdom.