Monday, January 19, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Life is filled with seasons that start and end.  Seasons come and go and we have no control over them. God controls the seasons and knows what He is doing.  One of the things God did was to plant eternity in our hearts.  We have a natural desire for God and eternity.  We have a natural understanding that there is more than only what we see here.  The human race longs for that.  We long to know the eternal God.  At the same time we see evil in the world.  We live and die. God has given a gift to people that they can enjoy life with His help.
    Another observation came to the author. He saw all the oppression on the earth.  There are powerful people who abuse their authority and make life miserable for many.  So, it seemed better to be dead.  That is really a lie from the enemy of our souls.  So many people chase the wind of success out of jealousy. Another observation was the hard work that many put into life, but they have no one to share it with.  It’s better to not be alone.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    It is true that life is filled with seasons and it is so easy to get caught up in the rush to gain more things.  If someone has something nice, the human instinct seems to be to try to get one for myself.  But, instead of simply seeking more stuff, I need to see his observation of the value of being with others, of having friends.  A threefold cord is not quickly broken.  As strength is woven into strength, the result is much more than the sum of the parts.  What is more valuable for me is not only more stuff, but developing good relationships with others that we can live and face life together.  We help each other. Friends are a great gift.

3.  How can I help someone?
    We have no control over many things.  The seasons come and go.  We can’t change that.  We can put our trust in God and ask Him to be with us whatever comes our way.