Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 49 & 50

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Being rich.  It is the dream and desire of millions of people.  Countless have died in the midst of schemes that promised to make them rich.  Yet, here we find that it is useless to put our trust in riches. No one can pay for the redemption of his soul.  Everyone will eventually die and we “can’t take it with us”.  God is the One Who redeems a soul.  Being rich is not evil.  It is simply not the solution to the issues of life.  Riches will not last for eternity.  We only have eternal life through God.
    Let the heavens declare God’s righteousness.  He is the judge.  He is God.  The earth and all creation belong to God.  People are to reach out to God in times of trouble and put their trust in Him.  There are hypocrites who pretend to love God, yet the ignore Hos commands and live like the rest of the ungodly world.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God said that He will rebuke those who pretend to love Him and yet are only playing a game.  We see how serious He is about this in v. 22 when God warns that he would tear them in pieces and there would be no one to deliver them.  These people bring eternal punishment down upon themselves.  This message speaks the importance of living a real life of service and submission to Jesus.  God is looking for people to be real believers in Him.  There needs to be evidence that a person is the real thing – a real believer in Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Are you serious about serving God?  Are you going through a religious routine?  I want to help people answer these questions to draw them to the Lord.