Monday, October 13, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 35 & 36

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Bible describes a strong spiritual battle that continues down through the ages. There are times when God’s people need to pray for God to deal with spiritual enemies and provide deliverance for believers. The Psalmist prayed for evil to end and that justice would be done for innocent people. Wicked people will one day stand before God as their judge and receive the reward they deserve for their sin. God will judge sinners when He knows the time is right. David prayed for God to plead his case. I can’t think of a more powerful ally to have than the Lord. Because he knew he could trust God, David said that his soul would be joyful in the Lord and rejoice in God’s salvation. David understood an important principle, that it is sinners who should be ashamed and not believers. The enemy is working hard to turn that around to cause people who are following God’s ways to feel shame. Believers must never get caught up in that trap.
    Wicked people have no fear of God. That is a very scary place to live because they do not abhor evil. They do not see how precious God’s loving kindness is. Evil people lack the righteous hatred for sin that they should have. Sinful behavior is accepted as normal and expected. Yet, the more we understand God’s character the more we see that God hates sin and the destruction that it brings.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the best applications of the Bible in my life is to love God and hate sin. There are no new sins in the world, just new ways to participate in sin. I am observing that sinners are more open about their sin and more willing to attack those who live for Jesus. I must not let the intimidation of the forces of evil caused me to compromise truth and righteousness. I must continue to remember that, in the end, God will win.

3.  How can I help someone?
    The most destructive and painful life one can live is a life of sin. Many people don’t see that. I want to help people see that truth and receive the blessings and joy that come from living with Jesus in your heart.