Monday, October 6, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 25 & 26

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    King David again expressed his praise and worship to God. He talked about his amazing trust in God and then prayed that his enemies would not triumph over him. He expresses a very important thought as he prays that no one who waits on God would be ashamed. He says that those who deal treacherously without a cause should be the ones who are ashamed. I have noticed that many people these days who do not trust in God and promote sinful causes are using the term shame to try to put down people who are serving God. It is very important to let our trust in God be shown without fear or hesitation.  Sinners are the ones who should be ashamed. David again prayed for God’s preservation and deliverance.
    In Psalm 26 David prayed to the Lord and talked about his life of integrity before God.  He said that he trusted in the Lord and that God could examine him and prove him. He said he did not associate with hypocrites and that he hated the gathering of the wicked.  David said that he loved the habitation of God’s house. He again reiterated his desire to walk in integrity before God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The topic of integrity is extremely important in the world. Unfortunately, we do not see much integrity in our culture. I am always amazed when I see people who do things that are against God’s ways and yet they are proud of breaking God’s laws. I have to admit I get frustrated by the things I have to put up with because so many people are dishonest. My desire is to live a life that reflects God’s righteousness and integrity.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people understand the importance of walking in God’s way and living a life of righteousness and integrity. I want to encourage people and help them to consistently live a godly life and not be ashamed of it or intimidated by the sinful people who literally promote sinful activity. I want to help people see the difference between serving God and serving sin. The blessings of serving God are always worth it.