Bible Chapter: Genesis 19
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The Bible is honest, telling the whole story. If I had been writing the story, there would have been times when I would have been tempted to leave out some details. Sin can be embarrassing. But, we find an honest history that reveals the weaknesses and failures of people as well as their victories. Two angels came to Sodom to bring judgement for the horrible wickedness in the city. Yes, God really does judge sin. Because of Abraham’s intervention, Lot and his family were warned to flee. Lot knew how wicked the city was when he told the angels that they could not stay in the streets at night. The men of the city tried to break into Lot’s house to rape the men. It was a horrible setting and their safety came as the angels blinded the men trying to take them. Lot and his family escaped. Sadly, Lot’s wife was still pulled to the place and, as she turned around to look one more time, God judged her and she became a pillar of salt.
The area was destroyed because of their immorality. I find it amazing that the men were as sinful as they were and so open about it. They got angry with Lot for trying to protect the visitors. The sinful influence of Sodom also impacted his daughters.
After they were safe from the destruction, Lot’s daughters had a conversation. They schemed to get their father drunk so he would father children with them. They did it and each one gave birth to a son. Both sons had descendants that were idol worshipers. This is a good example of one sin leading to another.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I am reminded of a passage of scripture that talks about the appearance of evil. While we live in this evil world, we are not to partake in it. We must be very cautious about how close we get to evil. We can so easily be influenced by it. I am also reminded that God hates sin and He will judge it. People often think they can do anything they want and God won’t do anything about it. That is simply not true. This chapter shows that God has a point at which He says enough is enough and it is time to show His righteousness. The Bible clearly tells us what God expects. I must live in that guidance and in God’s presence. It is probable that Lot was vexed by the sin he saw all the time, but not enough to leave. The sinful influence negatively impacted his family.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see who Jesus is. Confusion reigns in our world. What is right? Is there really any standard of right and wrong? Isn’t it only whatever I think or makes me comfortable? That is the kind of thinking we have today. The answer is that God has given us His word and we must live by it. We will always be better off when we do. Lord, open their eyes to see you.