Bible Chapter: Genesis 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Abram and Lot, Uncle and Nephew. They left Egypt and headed to the land God had for Abram. They were both wealthy in cattle. As they settled in their herdsmen couldn’t get along. It took much real estate to support them. There was fighting among the workers. Abram’s solution was for them to split up and go to different areas. He gave Lot the choice. Lot looked at the plain of Jordan, that it was lush and well watered. He went that way.
Two things quickly show up in this chapter after Lot’s decision where to go. Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom. And, the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD. It appears that Lot was more concerned with comfort, gaining more wealth and enjoying the culture of the city than loving righteousness. This turned out to be very destructive for him and his family. Two times in this chapter it says that Abram built and altar and worshiped the Lord. This makes me think of priorities. Abram was focused on God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Influence. What am I allowing to influence my life? How am I reacting to culture and letting it affect my thinking and life? How important is gaining material wealth? These questions come to mind as I think of applying this chapter. Jesus said that peacemakers would be blessed. Abram offered a solution of peace, they should split up. I wonder how things would have turned out differently if Lot had said that they should find a way to get the herdsmen to get along and they could continue to live near each other. Instead, Lot let the sinful influence of Sodom destroy his future.
I also think of the fact that the Bible says the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against God. This should have been a major warning sign to Lot and he should have avoided the influence. He didn’t. Sin is becoming more and more accepted in our world today. There is a great trend to mock righteousness and even make godliness illegal. The results are still the same as they were in Abram and Lot’s time. God honors righteousness and judges sin.
3. How can I help someone?
Abram had learned some hard and valuable lessons. He was learning to worship and serve God. Lot was still learning the lessons. I want to help people see how they will be blessed by following God’s lessons and directions.