Bible Chapter: Genesis 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God came to visit with Abraham. He came in a human form along with two angels to speak to Abraham. As I have read this chapter, I have always thought about the logistical challenges they had in preparing the meal mentioned. They had no modern equipment for cooking. It must have taken hours to bake break and cook the meat. I wonder what the conversations were about during this time. The Bible doesn’t give us any hint. It would be fascinating to see them.
God told Abraham that a year from that point Sarah would give birth to a son. This didn’t make sense to them as they were both old. When Sarah heard the news she laughed. This is a teaching point: Is anything too hard for God? We know the answer is “no”. I find it interesting that even though we know that truth, we so often doubt. Sarah doubted, and then denied the fact when she was challenged.
God told Abraham about His mission to Sodom and Gomorrah. He said the great outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was so exceeding and their sin was so grievous. These cities were very sinful and proud of it. No one was going to say anything to them. It was sad that Lot and his family had moved in and were a part of that culture. Judgement was coming to the cities for their great wickedness.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Trust God. There is nothing too hard for Him. As difficult as that is to understand sometimes, it is true. God can take an old couple and make them parents as if they were young. This is a couple that had been unable to have children. Nothing is too hard, so trust God.
I can also see God’s attitude towards sin. He is totally against it. His nature is so holy that He can’t stand sin. He is against it also because of what it does to people. People are God’s highest creation made in His image. He can’t stand to see anything destroy them. We live in a world that is not only sinful, but sinful and proud of it. They promote their sin and entice people to participate. Now we are seeing an organized attack against anyone who disagrees with their sinful lifestyles. I must always remember God’s attitude towards sin and that He WILL judge it.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people see that nothing makes God wonder what to do. He never is confused and concerned that He can’t handle a situation. He knows what is going on and what to do. I also want to help people see how God defines sin. There is pressure to back off on calling sin what it is - sin. God didn’t back off and we can’t, either.