Bible Chapter: Genesis 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The tempter makes everything not of God look so amazingly attractive. The lie says that we can have all the fun we want with no consequences. We can still serve God as we “enjoy” all the pleasures of the world. The Bible warns us about the relationships we develop. We must be careful and not let them pull us away from God. In this chapter we see that men who were of a godly line of people saw the beauty of the ungodly women and married them. These relationships brought them down to the place where sin was even more rampant. I believe that verse five is one of the most telling verses in the Bible. It shows what happens when sin takes over.
5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. NKJV
This verse really jumps out to me, every intent of the thoughts of the hearts of people was only evil continually. They were evil, sinful and proud of it. I see that in the world today. There is such confusion and evil that people can’t think clearly. God’s righteousness caused Him to say His only choice was to judge them for their sin. People need to learn that God judges sin.
An awesome view of God – Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God was ready to judge the whole world, and godly Noah was found worthy to save. This is a good lesson. Don’t give up serving God even if everyone else has rejected Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God gave Noah a daunting task. He was 500 years old and God told him to build a boat big enough to save himself, his family and all those animals. They did it, in spite of the opposition they faced. God told Noah he would send a flood and destroy all the life, everything that had breath. Noah obeyed God and did what he was told. Noah continued to serve God.
The application of this is the importance of obedience and faithfulness. Even when the task seems large and beyond my capability, obedience will enable me to accomplish God’s plan. Basically, Noah built a floating four story building, a floating zoo. It had to be sealed so it wouldn’t leak, for there would be no repairing it once the flood came. It had to hold all the supplies they would need. All of this they accomplished.
3. How can I help someone?
The world the often comes to my mind as I read the unbelievable things people do, as I read the unbelievable laws passed and judicial findings handed down; the word that comes to me often is judgement. The world needs to hear that God is a righteous Judge and He WILL judge them for their proliferation of sin. I want to help people understand that. I trust that this will lead them to the forgiveness and grace of the Lord.