Bible Chapter: Genesis 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.So much happened in this chapter. We see God’s plan for a husband and wife to have children. Eve gave praise to God when her children were born. Children are seldom “convenient”, but they are a blessing from God. Eve understood this as she was thankful to God for the sons born to her.
We see how quickly the curse of sin took over in the world. When both Cain and Abel brought gifts of worship to God, Cain didn’t listen to God as to how to bring an offering. Abel brought the first-fruits to God and he was rewarded. As Cain was complaining to God, he learned that sin was crouching at the door and was desiring to control him. He had to resist it, which he was not doing. We see his failure to overcome sin when he killed his brother. Satan’s solution to “problems” is usually violence and/or death.
Cain went out from the Lord’s presence. He decided to live the way he wanted to live. He established life away from God and sought life and pleasure on his own terms. He had known the best and walked away from it. I see people still doing this and wonder why they give up all that God has promised in a pursuit of temporary pleasure. It just doesn’t work.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter talks about a curse that came on Cain. Because of his sin and his lack of sorrow over it, the ground was cursed. He no longer had God’s blessing on the things he did, on the work he did to provide food. I see this principle in the world today. As our nation has turned more and more away from God, His blessing, His protection is disappearing. Our society is sinful and proud of it. People continue to ask how various horrible things can happen, how people can do those things. And the answer is that we are rejecting God and His ways and are missing the protection and blessing that we had in the past. I, or any person, must keep focus on the Lord and obedience to Him. The tempter makes so many things look so attractive, while he hides the truth and the consequences from the person. I must continually make a choice: life or death. This life or death choice is obedience or disobedience to God.
3. How can I help someone?
I want people to see the impact of their decisions. Choices have results. God asked Cain “If you do right, will you not be accepted?” This is one of those questions where the answer is obvious. Yet, so many people insist on doing things the wrong way, their own way. When the consequences come, they can’t understand why.