Bible Chapter: Genesis 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.From time to time as I am reading and/or teaching a passage in the Bible, I find myself thinking that this is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. This chapter fits into that category. “Oh, no, you won’t die.” The Bible starts out with the exciting story of creation and the amazing relationship Adam and Eve had with God. Then comes along the liar, the tempter to destroy everything God has created. Eve was declaring what God had warned them about eating from the tree in the middle of the garden. This tree has been called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was the tree established by the sovereign God to declare that He is owner of it all. It was a matter of obedience for them to leave that tree alone and obey God. The liar came along and said they would not die. The sad part of this story is that the liar still deceives people with presenting something God has forbidden as the most desirable. Forget all the other things God has provided, He is being mean by keeping this from you.
This story is so sad because it breaks the most beautiful relationship they had with God. When the sinned, Adam and Eve immediately knew what they had done and that it was really bad. They tried to hide from God. They lost the perfect home God provided for them and they had to work by their sweat to grow food. Problems began to develop – thorns and thistles and pain. This is a good illustration of what still happens. Sin still destroys and makes life difficult. The way of the transgressor is hard.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must keep my eyes open to see what is happening in the world. Even when the first people had just thrown away the special life He had given them, God immediately revealed evidence of His love and grace by telling that a Savior would come and gain victory over sin. God showed His plan for redemption. Jesus came to the world and died on the cross. He overcame sin and gave people a way to restore their relationship with God. I must not forget this as I see the world turning against God. The liar is still spreading his filth – you won’t die, because God is love. Most people believe that unless you are a mass-murderer, you will go to heaven. I must never get caught up in this deception.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the lies that are being told for what they are. People see a lie as a convenient tool to get out of trouble. The lies our culture is believing are destroying the culture and the individual people. But, the promise of the Savior given in this chapter is still the answer for life and the hope for eternity. I want to help people see they must apply the sacrifice of Jesus in their lives and believe on Jesus as their Lord and Savior.