Bible Chapter: Genesis 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The Bible lets us know that there have been wars from the very early times. We see kings seeking to control the lands of others. Abram got involved because Lot and his family were taken captive. Abram was a very wealthy man. He had three hundred eighteen trained servants that he armed so they could go and rescue his relatives. God gave them favor to be able to rescue them.
I see two important principles here. This is the first time tithing is mentioned in the Bible. Abram gave a tithe to Melchizedek, who is called a priest of the most high God. For those who say that tithing is a part of the Old Testament law, here we see Abram paying tithes and this predates the law. The second principle here is that Abram refused to take anything from the king of Sodom, lest he could say he made Abram rich. He showed his dependence on God to provide.
When things get tough, I can rely on God and trust Him to take care of me. There had been military issues in the area for at least fourteen years, but when it became personal and family was kidnaped, Abram got involved and trusted God for the results.
Abram also showed trust in God for provision. He showed the importance of worshiping God through the tithe. We see the principle of the tithe throughout the whole Bible. When we pay the tithe, God has promised to take care of us. God is well able to bless His people and meet our needs.
I can help people see that God is our source and provider. He is well able to do whatever is needed in life. I want to encourage believers to pay their tithes to their local church and watch God do some amazing things. No, this is not just a fund-raiser event, but a test in obedience and trust.