Bible Chapter: Genesis 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A Sabbath rest. God created all the world and then gave us the Sabbath rest. We need rest for our spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health. God created us and gave the Sabbath to bless His people. We need renewal and refreshing regularly. He gave us a day of rest, that includes worship and fellowship with Him. The Sabbath is very important. God included it in the Ten Commandments. Believers have gotten away from the Sabbath principle in life. Sunday doesn’t seem to mean anything special any more. Church attendance seems to be optional if nothing else gets in the way. People are missing out on all the blessings that God wants to give them. One of the reasons for all the stress people feel is that they are not giving God His prime time on the day of rest and worship.
This chapter also give more details about the creation. This includes more details about marriage. God said that Adam needed a special helpmate, a exceptional creation who would be beside him. God created a man and woman to have a unique, exclusive relationship that will bring fulfillment and stability. Becoming one is experienced in many special ways. The family as God created it is the most important social unit in society. God created the family and no one has the ability to change the definition or format of God’s gift to society.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I, along with hundreds of millions of other people, need to relearn the principle of rest. We live in a 24/7 world where we get upset if we find a store or some other entity is closed. What, I have to wait till tomorrow? Can I take care of it on line? We live in a world that is overstimulated with information and activity. We need both physical and spiritual recharging regularly. As I look at the life Jesus lived on earth, He regularly pulled back for refreshing. That is harder to do these days with multiple voices calling from all directions with overwhelming demands.
I am thankful for my wife. God had a really good idea. She brings so much to my life. We are blessed with three sons. I was blessed to grow up in a strong family with parents who were married for sixty years. I saw both parents care for the other as they had long times of health issues. They stuck together till the end.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to understand the specialness of God’s creation. He gave us an amazing universe and world to live on. He gave us beneficial relationships. He made us. Our world is focusing so much energy on the theory that we all came from a swamp somewhere. That concept gives life little value. We are seeing there results of that thinking. I want to help people see how valuable they really are.