Bible Chapter: Genesis 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God reassured Abram that HE was his shield and great reward. God can handle anything that we face in life. God was with him and he didn’t have to worry. Abram was concerned that he had no heir, no child had been born to him and he and his wife were getting old. Should he designate and adopt an heir? God had a plan and told Abram that his descendants would be a numerous as the stars in the heavens. God brought him that far and he would not abandon him. He would have a child born to him and his wife.
There is an important lesson here about believing God and righteousness. Abram had faith in God. This is a combination of trusting/relying on God and fidelity or faithfulness to God. Abram trusted God and he was faithful to Him. Abram’s heart was right before God, he was a righteous man. God made a covenant with Abram and promised great things to the future generations of Abram’s line. God obligated himself to Abram. We see that He is still fulfilling His promise.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
As I have faith in God, as I live in right relationship with Him, I can trust God. God made personal contact with Abram and made some amazing promises. God has made personal contact available to all through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Whoever responds will have that personal relationship with Jesus and can rely on God’s protection and provision. God always keeps his word and will be with me and anyone who follows God’s ways.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see God has provided the path for right living, for righteousness. He has laid out the road and we must follow it. Whoever does will receive the blessings that come from obedience. There is a truth in the Bible: to obey is better. I want to help people see what it is to obey God.