Monday, December 22, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 133 & 134

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    When brothers live together in unity!  Wow, what an awesome concept.  We see here the same desire Jesus had in John 17, when He prayed that believers would be characterized by love, holiness and unity. This very important longing was the focus of His last recorded prayer.  Jesus longed that the church would be one, as the Godhead is one.  Genuine and intense love for God and for other believers will enable Christians to experience God’s presence in a meaningful and effective way.  May it always be said that God’s people dwell together in unity.  It is a most refreshing way to live and experience God’s blessing.
    A note to all believers:  bless the Lord continually.  All you servants of the Lord, lift your hands to bless and worship the Lord.  Keep on gathering in the Lord’s house and worship Him.  Don’t be in a hurry to get your “obligation” out of the way.  God made the heavens and the earth and is worthy of your praise and time.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    As I have lived my life being involved in churches, I have seen how easy it is for people to get a bee in their bonnet and get fussing over things, usually not very important things.  I believe this is often a direct attack of the enemy.  It is also a sign of spiritual immaturity.  This doesn’t mean that we always have to agree, but we can disagree without being disagreeable.  Bible doctrine is not up for debate and change.  Procedures and traditions are up for discussion.  Are they the best?  When we keep our focus on the issues, things go much better.  Note to self: always keep these thoughts in mind.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help believers always remember the critical importance of unity in the Lord.  We can never afford to let anything cause division or fussing in our midst.  The battle is against evil, not one another.