Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 105 & 106

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Give thanks to the Lord! We must be always ready to call on God’s name and make sure that everyone knows the awesome things that He does. This Psalm also encourages us to seek the Lord and the strength that He has and gives. The focus is on God’s awesome power. We are also challenged to not do harm to those that are God’s people in positions of leadership. We see that God has a plan, for example in the book of Genesis we see that Joseph was sold as a slave. We see God’s plans as He sent Moses and Aaron to lead His people. Never forget that God does know what He’s doing.
    Let us continue to praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. Blessings come on those who keep justice and do righteousness at all times. Even when people are rebellious God does mighty works for His name’s sake that people would know God’s mighty power.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    These Psalms point out that Israel had experienced God’s miraculous intervention in their lives. They sang God’s praises.  Unfortunately, they soon forgot His mighty works and did not seek God’s counsel and guidance for the things they did. They lusted for the wrong things in the wilderness and tested God. God responded to their requests with sent leanness to their soul. It is important for each one of us to remember these lessons from Israel and apply God’s truth in our lives. We must not forget to seek God’s guidance last God give us what we want but in the long run it hurts our relationship with him. This statement, “leanness to their souls” is a sad and dangerous situation.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see that we must always remember what God has said and done we must always remember His works and His guidance guy really does have a better understanding of what is best and we need to continue to trust Him to provide His best for us.