Monday, November 24, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 93 & 94

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Lord reigns in majesty. I like the illustration that the psalmist uses here. He talks about the power of the seas and the mighty pounding waves. Yet God is mightier than the waves and the breakers of the sea. The Lord on high is mighty. I have seen the power of the ocean and the breaking of waves and the ability that they have to destroy. This is something that is easy to see. And yet the psalmist declares that God’s power is so much mightier than the oceans. That is a word of encouragement for all.
    I believe that people today can also identify with a plea of Psalm 94. God is the one who avenges the evil. The psalmist asks the Lord how long the evil people will be jubilant. He prayed that God would overcome the boasting of the evil people and crush them. We know that the Lord will not reject his people or forsake them. The Lord is our help and we know that the ultimate victory comes through Him.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must continue to remind myself that God’s power is greater than any other force in the world. I am seeing more and more evil in the world and it seems as if the evil is getting stronger. I must remember that God does know what He is doing and He is not cowering in the corner out of fear of the forces of evil. His power is greater and will always remain greater.

3.  How can I help someone?
    The message to people is constant: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. With this message we can live daily and be encouraged to put our full trust and hope in the Lord.