Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 89 & 90

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God is worthy to receive all of the praise we possibly can give Him. The psalmist talked about his desire to sing of the Lord’s great love for ever and express the beauty of God’s faithfulness to all generations. The love of God stands firm for ever and He is faithful. There came a time when things did not look good for Israel and for King David. It seemed as if God was abandoning His promise to King David. But God kept His promise and never abandoned what He said He would do. Even when it seems as if things are not going to go well, we can put our trust in God and know that He will follow through with His great promises.
    The Lord is our dwelling place. Our eternal God is where we put our trust. In God’s righteousness He does judge people when they sin. The inequities people commit, the sins they think that are secret, all come to light in the presence of God. The short number of years that we have to live go by so quickly. We need the favor of the Lord to rest upon us so that we can accomplish the work that God plans for us.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I need to remember to keep on praising the Lord. I want to echo the Psalm where it says I will sing of the Lord’s great love for ever and use my mouth to make His faithfulness known throughout all generations. I want to continually trust Him even when it seems that I can’t see the truth that He is with me in the mist of the trials. I want to always remember that He is our dwelling place.

3.  How can I help someone?
    There are times that we are up against struggles and it appears that all our dreams and desires have been shattered. That is the time to be reminded to praise the Lord and trust promises that He has given to all who believe in Him.