Monday, September 30, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 21

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Finally.  Finally after waiting twenty five years for God to fulfill His promise, Abraham and Sarah had a son.  They named him Isaac.  Sarah rejoiced and laughed that she, in her old age, would finally have a son.  Abraham was one hundred years old.  This wasn’t his great-great grandson, it was his son.  They rejoiced at his birth.  God had a great promise for his life.
    At the same time of this rejoicing came a sad situation.  It resulted from their poor decision many years earlier.  Sarah became jealous of Hagar and Ishmael.  She insisted that Abraham send them away.  It hurt Abraham, for this was his son.  But, he agreed and sent them away.  Hagar thought that she would die in the wilderness, but God responded and provided for them.  Ishmael grew and he also became a great nation.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter has both highs and lows.  The high came because of God’s promise and provision of that promise.  Isaac was born. They rejoiced.  This teaches us to listen and wait for God to do what He has promised.  This is a good lesson - we really can trust God.
    The low point came when the impact of their really bad choice to have a son with Hagar came.  They thought they had fixed the problem God couldn’t figure out.  They had a human solution and didn’t wait for God.  The lesson is that we must do things God’s ways and don’t try to “help” him when we think He has made a mistake.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see that God really will do what He promised.  Yes, there is a battle, but God is bigger than the battle.  We don’t understand God’s timing, but we can trust it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 20

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is a unique story.  We find that Abraham was a real person.  He had his ups and downs.  Even as a great man of God he was not perfect.  He had times of great faith, such as when he left his homeland and traveled a long distance following God’s direction, even when he didn’t know where they would end up.  Here, he had a great lack of faith in trusting God.  He didn’t believe God would protect them.  He lied about Sarah being his wife.  He lied in the fact that he both stretched the truth and hid the truth.  This could have brought major problems and blocked God’s plan for the redemption of the world.
    Abilelech, King of Gerar had taken Sarah to be his wife.  She must have been quite an amazing woman.  God spoke to the king and prevented him from being with her.  He sent her back to Abraham and chided him for his deception.  One insight that we do see here is Abraham’s understanding that people who don’t fear God are likely to do anything they want.  This is why he lied about Sarah.  There is safety in being with people who are genuinely living a Godly life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The issue of trusting God must be a constant in life.  If we say God is directing us, then we must actually trust Him.  This is a challenge to trust God at all times with all things.  When Abraham showed his complete trust in God, things worked out in God’s timing.  They waited many years for their son to be born.  But, in God’s timing, it all happened just as God said it would.  This is a good illustration of the message of Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Many people live in fear.  How are they going to make it in life.  Who can they trust?  I want to help people understand that they can trust God.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 19

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Bible is honest, telling the whole story. If I had been writing the story, there would have been times when I would have been tempted to leave out some details.  Sin can be embarrassing.  But, we find an honest history that reveals the weaknesses and failures of people as well as their victories.  Two angels came to Sodom to bring judgement for the horrible wickedness in the city.  Yes, God really does judge sin.  Because of Abraham’s intervention, Lot and his family were warned to flee.  Lot knew how wicked the city was when he told the angels that they could not stay in the streets at night.  The men of the city tried to break into Lot’s house to rape the men.  It was a horrible setting and their safety came as the angels blinded the men trying to take them.  Lot and his family escaped.  Sadly, Lot’s wife was still pulled to the place and, as she turned around to look one more time, God judged her and she became a pillar of salt.
    The area was destroyed because of their immorality.  I find it amazing that the men were as sinful as they were and so open about it.  They got angry with Lot for trying to protect the visitors.  The sinful influence of Sodom also impacted his daughters.
    After they were safe from the destruction, Lot’s daughters had a conversation.  They schemed to get their father drunk so he would father children with them.  They did it and each one gave birth to a son.  Both sons had descendants that were idol worshipers.  This is a good example of one sin leading to another.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am reminded of a passage of scripture that talks about the appearance of evil.  While we live in this evil world, we are not to partake in it.  We must be very cautious about how close we get to evil.  We can so easily be influenced by it.  I am also reminded that God hates sin and He will judge it.  People often think they can do anything they want and God won’t do anything about it.  That is simply not true.  This chapter shows that God has a point at which He says enough is enough and it is time to show His righteousness.  The Bible clearly tells us what God expects.  I must live in that guidance and in God’s presence.  It is probable that Lot was vexed by the sin he saw all the time, but not enough to leave.  The sinful influence negatively impacted his family.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see who Jesus is.  Confusion reigns in our world.  What is right?  Is there really any standard of right and wrong?  Isn’t it only whatever I think or makes me comfortable?  That is the kind of thinking we have today.  The answer is that God has given us His word and we must live by it.  We will always be better off when we do.  Lord, open their eyes to see you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 18

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God came to visit with Abraham.  He came in a human form along with two angels to speak to Abraham.  As I have read this chapter, I have always thought about the logistical challenges they had in preparing the meal mentioned.  They had no modern equipment for cooking.  It must have taken hours to bake break and cook the meat.  I wonder what the conversations were about during this time.  The Bible doesn’t give us any hint.  It would be fascinating to see them.
    God told Abraham that a year from that point Sarah would give birth to a son.  This didn’t make sense to them as they were both old.  When Sarah heard the news she laughed.  This is a teaching point: Is anything too hard for God?  We know the answer is “no”.  I find it interesting that even though we know that truth, we so often doubt.  Sarah doubted, and then denied the fact when she was challenged.
    God told Abraham about His mission to Sodom and Gomorrah.   He said the great outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was so exceeding and their sin was so grievous.  These cities were very sinful and proud of it.  No one was going to say anything to them.  It was sad that Lot and his family had moved in and were a part of that culture.  Judgement was coming to the cities for their great wickedness.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Trust God.  There is nothing too hard for Him.  As difficult as that is to understand sometimes, it is true.  God can take an old couple and make them parents as if they were young.  This is a couple that had been unable to have children.  Nothing is too hard, so trust God.
    I can also see God’s attitude towards sin.  He is totally against it.  His nature is so holy that He can’t stand sin.  He is against it also because of what it does to people.  People are God’s highest creation made in His image.  He can’t stand to see anything destroy them.  We live in a world that is not only sinful, but sinful and proud of it.  They promote their sin and entice people to participate.  Now we are seeing an organized attack against anyone who disagrees with their sinful lifestyles.  I must always remember God’s attitude towards sin and that He WILL judge it.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see that nothing makes God wonder what to do.  He never is confused and concerned that He can’t handle a situation.  He knows what is going on and what to do.  I also want to help people see how God defines sin.  There is pressure to back off on calling sin what it is - sin.  God didn’t back off and we can’t, either.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 17

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    A new covenant and new names.  That is what we find here.  God changed Abram’s name to Abraham.  He went from “exalted father” to “father of a multitude”.  This old man still had a future.  Sarai became Sarah.  She went from “princess” to “a mother of nations”.  She only thought she was too old to have a son.  There is a real sense of significance and a step of faith to see a ninety nine year old man and a ninety year old woman who had no children begin to call themselves parents of a multitude.  But, Abraham knew that he had heard from God and God made a promise.  So, they went by faith and trusted that God would come through.
    God promised them that they would have a massive line of descendants that would be like the stars of the sky and the sand of the sea.  Even though they had to wait for a very long time, it happened.  Abraham lived a life of trusting God and seeing God come through, in HIS timing.  God’s timing is often not what we would like, but it is always right.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Learning to trust God.  Abraham spent decades learning to trust in God.  He had a few down times when he doubted.  We see one of them here when he laughed at what God promised.  But, he lived an amazingly faithful life.  As I have rambled through life I see the importance of faithfulness to God, of faithfulness to do what God had commanded.  When a person knows they are hearing from God, obedience is critical.  There will always be doubters who try to cause you to stray.  It is important to do what God had directed and let Him take care of the results.  Let God give the dreams and bring them to fulfilment.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the blessings of hearing from God and obeying.  It’s not just a matter of deciding to do something, it’s a matter of actually doing it.  Decisions are fine.  Actions are better.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    When you think God is not coming through the way He should, make your own plan and “fix” things.  That is the picture here.  That is what so many people do and it never fixes things, but only makes life and circumstances worse.  We see the horrible results of not trusting God.  Sarai got impatient and came up with her own plan for providing the heir that God had promised.  Sadly, if she had waited it would have changed history.  But, she came up with a plan and Abram went along with it.  So, at age eighty six, Abram fathered a child with Hagar, Sarai’s maid.
    The decision immediately brought negative consequences and Sarai turned against Hagar.  God rescued her and she returned to Abram and Sarai and raised her son, Ishmael.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Learn to trust God and not come up with my own plans.  That is a very strong lesson in this short chapter.  It is amazing how a seemingly insignificant decision can have such a widespread impact.  Learning to do things God’s way is probably the most important lesson anyone can learn.  God had made an amazing promise to this old couple and they didn’t see how it could be.  God has made some amazing promises to all His people and often we can’t see how it can be.  Learning to trust God till the end is a vital principle in the Christian life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people learn to trust God.  Even when it doesn’t make sense, God’s way is always best.  It is the way of victory in the long haul.  God’s way is best.  Did I say it?  God’s way is best.  Always!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 15

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God reassured Abram that HE was his shield and great reward.  God can handle anything that we face in life.  God was with him and he didn’t have to worry.  Abram was concerned that he had no heir, no child had been born to him and he and his wife were getting old.  Should he designate and adopt an heir?  God had a plan and told Abram that his descendants would be a numerous as the stars in the heavens.  God brought him that far and he would not abandon him.  He would have a child born to him and his wife.
    There is an important lesson here about believing God and righteousness.  Abram had faith in God.  This is a combination of trusting/relying on God and fidelity or faithfulness to God.  Abram trusted God and he was faithful to Him.  Abram’s heart was right before God, he was a righteous man.  God made a covenant with Abram and promised great things to the future generations of Abram’s line.  God obligated himself to Abram.  We see that He is still fulfilling His promise.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    As I have faith in God, as I live in right relationship with Him, I can trust God.  God made personal contact with Abram and made some amazing promises.  God has made personal contact available to all through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Whoever responds will have that personal relationship with Jesus and can rely on God’s protection and provision.  God always keeps his word and will be with me and anyone who follows God’s ways.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see God has provided the path for right living, for righteousness.  He has laid out the road and we must follow it.  Whoever does will receive the blessings that come from obedience.  There is a truth in the Bible: to obey is better.  I want to help people see what it is to obey God.

Bible Chapter: Genesis 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

 1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The Bible lets us know that there have been wars from the very early times. We see kings seeking to control the lands of others. Abram got involved because Lot and his family were taken captive. Abram was a very wealthy man. He had three hundred eighteen trained servants that he armed so they could go and rescue his relatives. God gave them favor to be able to rescue them.

I see two important principles here. This is the first time tithing is mentioned in the Bible. Abram gave a tithe to Melchizedek, who is called a priest of the most high God. For those who say that tithing is a part of the Old Testament law, here we see Abram paying tithes and this predates the law. The second principle here is that Abram refused to take anything from the king of Sodom, lest he could say he made Abram rich. He showed his dependence on God to provide.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things get tough, I can rely on God and trust Him to take care of me. There had been military issues in the area for at least fourteen years, but when it became personal and family was kidnaped, Abram got involved and trusted God for the results.

Abram also showed trust in God for provision. He showed the importance of worshiping God through the tithe. We see the principle of the tithe throughout the whole Bible. When we pay the tithe, God has promised to take care of us. God is well able to bless His people and meet our needs.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people see that God is our source and provider. He is well able to do whatever is needed in life. I want to encourage believers to pay their tithes to their local church and watch God do some amazing things. No, this is not just a fund-raiser event, but a test in obedience and trust.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 13

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Abram and Lot, Uncle and Nephew. They left Egypt and headed to the land God had for Abram. They were both wealthy in cattle. As they settled in their herdsmen couldn’t get along. It took much real estate to support them. There was fighting among the workers. Abram’s solution was for them to split up and go to different areas. He gave Lot the choice. Lot looked at the plain of Jordan, that it was lush and well watered. He went that way.

Two things quickly show up in this chapter after Lot’s decision where to go. Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom. And, the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD. It appears that Lot was more concerned with comfort, gaining more wealth and enjoying the culture of the city than loving righteousness. This turned out to be very destructive for him and his family. Two times in this chapter it says that Abram built and altar and worshiped the Lord. This makes me think of priorities. Abram was focused on God.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Influence. What am I allowing to influence my life? How am I reacting to culture and letting it affect my thinking and life? How important is gaining material wealth? These questions come to mind as I think of applying this chapter. Jesus said that peacemakers would be blessed. Abram offered a solution of peace, they should split up. I wonder how things would have turned out differently if Lot had said that they should find a way to get the herdsmen to get along and they could continue to live near each other. Instead, Lot let the sinful influence of Sodom destroy his future.

I also think of the fact that the Bible says the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against God. This should have been a major warning sign to Lot and he should have avoided the influence. He didn’t. Sin is becoming more and more accepted in our world today. There is a great trend to mock righteousness and even make godliness illegal. The results are still the same as they were in Abram and Lot’s time. God honors righteousness and judges sin.

3. How can I help someone?
Abram had learned some hard and valuable lessons. He was learning to worship and serve God. Lot was still learning the lessons. I want to help people see how they will be blessed by following God’s lessons and directions.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God called and Abram answered.  He did what God directed him to do.  He didn’t know where they were headed and he didn’t know the details of what was ahead.  He only knew that God had spoken to him, so he obeyed.  While he was not perfect (we see that in this chapter), Abram was obedient and did what God directed him to do.  God places a high value on obedience.  They traveled many, many miles to a new land.  Then, when they got there, they ran into a famine and had to keep moving ahead for food.
    Abram went to Egypt.  He did a foolish thing and it almost cost him everything.  He lied about his wife, claiming that she was his sister.  When Pharaoh saw her he took her as one of his wives.  God judged Pharaoh for this.  I see this as one of the ways that God wants us to recognize the sacredness of marriage and the marriage covenant.  The marriage relationship is the most unique and special human relationship.  It is to the honored.  When Pharaoh realized what was happening, he sent Sarai back to Abram.  He then sent them out of the land.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The blessings of obedience.  Obedience can be hard.  It can lead to challenging situations.  Abram and his entourage ran into famine.  They had a long and challenging journey.  Yet, because of his faithfulness and obedience, the promises in verses 2-3 came true.
2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (NKJV)
    I also need to trust God that things will work out.  I don’t need to “help God” as Abram did by lying about his wife.  His sinful deception only hurt things.  It had to hurt his relationship with Sarai and be a bad example to his family and servants.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see the benefits and blessings of obeying God.  There is something in our nature that makes us think we always have the best way, even when it leads to failure.  Making Jesus Lord of our lives (that means giving Him control) is always the best we can do.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 11

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Having done some international travel, Genesis 11 can be sometimes a source of frustration. I am not multi-lingual and not being able to communicate has brought problems.  It is here that multiple languages were introduced to the world.  God did that for a reason.  The people were being drawn to rejecting God’s ways and thinking they could do anything they wanted.  Their rebellion was leading to sin.  God brought confusion by creating a variety of languages.  It is also out of this dispersion of people around the world that we have the different races.  Various groups of people settled all over the world, which brought the races and nations.
    There is another genealogy listing.  We see here the tracing of family lines from the ark to Abram.  It is through the family of Abram (Abraham) that God fulfilled His plan for redemption of the human race.  We see God’s plan and organization through information that is sometimes challenging to grasp.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God knows what He is doing.  He also knows what every person in the world is doing.  The people  from the plain of Shinar (verse 2) thought they could do anything they wanted.  An interesting concept in this chapter is that God said the people could do anything they imagined when they worked together.  Unfortunately, these folks were going to do things to try to control the world, so God brought confusion of their languages.  But, the principle of our being able to do great things is encouraging.  The enemy of our souls wants us to think we are worthless and can’t accomplish much, so why try.  That is simply not true.  Having been made in God’s image, there is amazing potential for all who will trust the Lord.  We must try and stretch.  We will see we can do more than we ever thought.  And, we are not too old for God to do new and greater things through us.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Many people put themselves down.  They think they are nothing, worthless.  Yes, it is true that some have more abilities than others, some have more raw intelligence or education.  But, none of us are worthless and we all have something we can do that is beneficial to society.  I want to help people see their potential and the gifts God gave them.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is the beginning of chapters I will find in the Old Testament that tell the genealogy of families.  They are different to read in that they are not telling a story, but historical facts.  These chapter also bring a challenge to write something.  After the flood the whole world was limited to eight people.  They were told to replenish the earth, and that is what they did.  The genealogy listed tells who the various nations came from.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God cares about the details. While it feels boring to just go through a list of names, we can see how nations developed.  This also helps us understand that all people come from common ancestors (no, not monkeys).  We have different physical characteristics and speak different languages, but we are all made by God in His image and all have value.  The enemy has made some people think they are better than others and some have tried to eliminate others who they thought were inferior.  There are no inferior races or nations.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see where we all came from and how we all are important to God.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 9

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The great adventure was finally over for Noah and his family.  They were out of the ark and returning to life on the earth, not floating in the ark.  We are reminded of a key truth here: people are made in the image of God.  This means that life is valuable.  Through God we have life.  Satan works hard to bring death.  People must remember how important life is and do all that is possible to preserve and respect it.
    God gave a promise to the human race that He would never destroy all life with a flood again.  He gave a magnificent sign, the rainbow.  From time to time I see a rainbow and it is always beautiful.  It is a reminder of God’s love and care.  It is a reminder of God’s concern for people and righteousness.  It is a reminder of the importance of obedience to the Lord.
    After the flood, Noah had another three hundred fifty years on the earth.  He lived a total of nine hundred fifty years.  Yes, they lived that long in the beginning of the earth.  I can’t even begin to fathom living that long.  But, in light of eternity, that is nothing.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The last part of this chapter shows the weakness of the human race.  Noah planted a vineyard and made wine.  Then he got drunk.  Problems resulted.  It is a normal thing for problems to develop when people get drunk.  I live in one of the biggest drinking states in our nation.  Bars are everywhere.  The problems that result from drunkenness are common.  I have come to the conclusion that the best way to not have the problems of drunkenness is to not drink any alcohol.  That’s my application of the issue and it works well.  I save tons of money, for alcoholic drinks are expensive.  I don’t have to worry about doing things to my family when I don’t know what I am doing under the influence.  I don’t have to worry about getting arrested for drunk driving.  I have been a positive example to my children.  It works well and sober is good.  Proverbs 20:1 says “Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler, And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” (NKJV)

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see their great value in God’s eyes.  Too many people have a poor image of themselves and think they are junk.  Yes, people do lots of junky things. They do sinful and destructive things, but this is why Jesus came to the world to restore that awesome relationship with God that He designed from the beginning.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 8

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Noah and his family obeyed God by building the ark and gathering all the animals.  Then the flood came.  An amazing thought comes from the beginning of this chapter, they were on the ark and didn’t hear from God for 150 days.  That had to be a challenge for them.  Where was God in all this?  Then they heard from God.  The waters were beginning to go down and finally the ark rested on Mount Ararat.  It was still a long time waiting for all to return to a place where they could leave the ark.  They were in it about a year.
    The story of Noah is a story of both obedience and the sinful condition of the human race.  It was because of their sin that judgement came.  Because of faithfully serving the Lord, Noah and his family were saved.  Even when we can’t see all the details, it always is best to obey God and follow His path.  Even if “everyone” is doing something, if it is wrong, I must not do it.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Noah didn’t hear from God for a long time after the floods came.  I don’t know what he was thinking.  It appears to be a long time of silence.  But, God honored his faithfulness.  I find the principle in the Bible of being faithful to God throughout whatever is happening.  I often wish for things to be different and to have different results.  I must stick with doing what I know is best.  I must be obedient and leave the results to the Lord.  I also need to remember a statement at the end of this chapter that the imagination of a person’s heart is evil from his youth.  This truth has come up a few times in the story of Noah.  Away from God, people are evil and will do evil things.  That is why bringing people to Jesus is the only solution to the problems of the world.  They need a heart change.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to see their spiritual condition.  It is common for people to think they are good, and good enough.  The feeling is that, “since I’m not a murderer, I’m OK”.  Most people are basically good and will not do really horrible things.  They won’t go out and blow up buildings and kill many people.  But, they don’t grasp the basic evil that is in their hearts.  I want to help people grasp that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 7

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God told Noah that, because he was living a righteous life, he and his family would be spared the coming judgement.  They were to take animals in the ark they had built and preserve all the animal species on the earth.  The flood came and destroyed all the people who refused to repent and serve the Lord. God is a righteous judge. He judges because of His justified anger against sin.  People must learn this truth and the horror of sin.  Even churches these days don’t understand this principle.  Sin is not a joking matter.  The world in Noah’s day thought it was.  The world today thinks sin is funny, that it is great entertainment.  I try to picture the scene around the ark when the rains came and the floods came up from the earth.  I can picture people pounding on the ark, pleading to be let in.  These would be the same people who mocked Noah for his work on the ark and his preaching of what God was going to do.  They prayed, but their prayer was too late.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God judges sin, but also gives a way of salvation.  This picture is throughout the whole Bible.  His nature is love and He always gives opportunity for people to come to Him.  This is a major lesson from Noah.  God gives warnings, then He does what He promised to do.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Hey folks, did you hear what God said?  He really means it.  That is the message I want the whole world to hear.  God won’t change His standards of righteousness just because you want to do something different.  So, listen to Him and do what He says.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The tempter makes everything not of God look so amazingly attractive.  The lie says that we can have all the fun we want with no consequences.  We can still serve God as we “enjoy” all the pleasures of the world.  The Bible warns us about the relationships we develop.  We must be careful and not let them pull us away from God.  In this chapter we see that men who were of a godly line of people saw the beauty of the ungodly women and married them.  These relationships brought them down to the place where sin was even more rampant.  I believe that verse five is one of the most telling verses in the Bible.  It shows what happens when sin takes over.
5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  NKJV
    This verse really jumps out to me, every intent of the thoughts of the hearts of people was only evil continually.  They were evil, sinful and proud of it.  I see that in the world today.  There is such confusion and evil that people can’t think clearly.  God’s righteousness caused Him to say His only choice was to judge them for their sin.  People need to learn that God judges sin.
    An awesome view of God – Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  God was ready to judge the whole world, and godly Noah was found worthy to save.  This is a good lesson.  Don’t give up serving God even if everyone else has rejected Him.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God gave Noah a daunting task.  He was 500 years old and God told him to build a boat big enough to save himself, his family and all those animals.  They did it, in spite of the opposition they faced.  God told Noah he would send a flood and destroy all the life, everything that had breath.  Noah obeyed God and did what he was told.  Noah continued to serve God.
    The application of this is the importance of obedience and faithfulness.  Even when the task seems large and beyond my capability, obedience will enable me to accomplish God’s plan.  Basically, Noah built a floating four story building, a floating zoo.  It had to be sealed so it wouldn’t leak, for there would be no repairing it once the flood came.  It had to hold all the supplies they would need.  All of this they accomplished.

3.  How can I help someone?
    The world the often comes to my mind as I read the unbelievable things people do, as I read the unbelievable laws passed and judicial findings handed down; the word that comes to me often is judgement.  The world needs to hear that God is a righteous Judge and He WILL judge them for their proliferation of sin.  I want to help people understand that.  I trust that this will lead them to the forgiveness and grace of the Lord.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 5

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This chapter is a good illustration of life in previous times that is far different than we see today.  This is important in reading and understanding the Bible.  A person who is 100 years old today is considered very old.  Yet is says here that Adam was 130 when he had his son, Seth.  Adam lived to the age of 930, having children down through the centuries.  We see that Methuselah lived to the ripe old age of 969.  How did they live so long?  The impact and the destruction of sin had not yet reached the human race.  When God created the human race, His design was for people to live a long healthy life.  As sin took over, it impacted the world and the health of physical bodies.  Sin is a destructive force and people didn’t live as long.
    In the early chapters of Genesis we see how quickly there became a separation between those who walked with God and those who followed the path of sin.  I am often amazed at how people can be so blatantly open about sin.  This is what was happening in the early history of the world.  We read here about a godly man, Enoch.  He only lived 365 years.  He didn’t die because of sin.  One day God took him to heaven as he walked with the Lord.  Enoch proclaimed the importance of righteousness and that God was going to judge the world. They didn’t believe him.  They were about to find out that God is serious about sin and judgement.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God made people in His image.  He blessed them.  He gave them everything they could possibly want.  And yet, so many of them decided to go their own way and do whatever they wanted.  We read here about how they lived and had families and life went on.  This chapter is a transition chapter, telling the names and lines of people. Some of them were very godly. The majority were the opposite.  This chapter ends with the life of Noah and the fact that at age 500 he had three sons.  Chapter six goes into the story of the judgement of the world and the flood.  I have a choice to make – which line of life I will follow. I have made and choice and will stick with it.  I will follow the line that lives for Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the importance of following God’s way.  Enoch is a great example.  We can only guess, but from this chapter it appears that one day Enoch was worshiping God and enjoying His presence and God just took him out of this life.  That is an awesome concept.  I want to help people see they will never be sorry for submitting to the Lordship of Jesus.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    So much happened in this chapter.  We see God’s plan for a husband and wife to have children. Eve gave praise to God when her children were born.  Children are seldom “convenient”, but they are a blessing from God.  Eve understood this as she was thankful to God for the sons born to her.
    We see how quickly the curse of sin took over in the world.  When both Cain and Abel brought gifts of worship to God, Cain didn’t listen to God as to how to bring an offering.  Abel brought the first-fruits to God and he was rewarded.  As Cain was complaining to God, he learned that sin was crouching at the door and was desiring to control him.  He had to resist it, which he was not doing.  We see his failure to overcome sin when he killed his brother.  Satan’s solution to “problems” is usually violence and/or death.
    Cain went out from the Lord’s presence.  He decided to live the way he wanted to live.  He established life away from God and sought life and pleasure on his own terms.  He had known the best and walked away from it.  I see people still doing this and wonder why they give up all that God has promised in a pursuit of temporary pleasure.  It just doesn’t work.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter talks about a curse that came on Cain.  Because of his sin and his lack of sorrow over it, the ground was cursed.  He no longer had God’s blessing on the things he did, on the work he did to provide food.  I see this principle in the world today.  As our nation has turned more and more away from God, His blessing, His protection is disappearing.  Our society is sinful and proud of it.  People continue to ask how various horrible things can happen, how people can do those things.  And the answer is that we are rejecting God and His ways and are missing the protection and blessing that we had in the past.  I, or any person, must keep focus on the Lord and obedience to Him.  The tempter makes so many things look so attractive, while he hides the truth and the consequences from the person.  I must continually make a choice: life or death.  This life or death choice is obedience or disobedience to God.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want people to see the impact of their decisions.  Choices have results.  God asked Cain “If you do right, will you not be accepted?”  This is one of those questions where the answer is obvious.  Yet, so many people insist on doing things the wrong way, their own way.  When the consequences come, they can’t understand why.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 3

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    From time to time as I am reading and/or teaching a passage in the Bible, I find myself thinking that this is one of the saddest verses in the Bible.  This chapter fits into that category.  “Oh, no, you won’t die.”  The Bible starts out with the exciting story of creation and the amazing relationship Adam and Eve had with God.  Then comes along the liar, the tempter to destroy everything God has created.  Eve was declaring what God had warned them about eating from the tree in the middle of the garden.  This tree has been called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  It was the tree established by the sovereign God to declare that He is owner of it all.  It was a matter of obedience for them to leave that tree alone and obey God.  The liar came along and said they would not die.  The sad part of this story is that the liar still deceives people with presenting something God has forbidden as the most desirable.  Forget all the other things God has provided, He is being mean by keeping this from you.
    This story is so sad because it breaks the most beautiful relationship they had with God.  When the sinned, Adam and Eve immediately knew what they had done and that it was really bad. They tried to hide from God.  They lost the perfect home God provided for them and they had to work by their sweat to grow food.  Problems began to develop – thorns and thistles and pain.  This is a good illustration of what still happens.  Sin still destroys and makes life difficult.  The way of the transgressor is hard.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must keep my eyes open to see what is happening in the world.  Even when the first people had just thrown away the special life He had given them, God immediately revealed evidence of His love and grace by telling that a Savior would come and gain victory over sin.  God showed His plan for redemption.  Jesus came to the world and died on the cross.  He overcame sin and gave people a way to restore their relationship with God.  I must not forget this as I see the world turning against God.  The liar is still spreading his filth – you won’t die, because God is love.  Most people believe that unless you are a mass-murderer, you will go to heaven.  I must never get caught up in this deception.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the lies that are being told for what they are.  People see a lie as a convenient tool to get out of trouble.  The lies our culture is believing are destroying the culture and the individual people.  But, the promise of the Savior given in this chapter is still the answer for life and the hope for eternity.  I want to help people see they must apply the sacrifice of Jesus in their lives and believe on Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    A Sabbath rest.  God created all the world and then gave us the Sabbath rest.  We need rest for our spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health.  God created us and gave the Sabbath to bless His people.  We need renewal and refreshing regularly.  He gave us a day of rest, that includes worship and fellowship with Him.  The Sabbath is very important.  God included it in the Ten Commandments.  Believers have gotten away from the Sabbath principle in life.  Sunday doesn’t seem to mean anything special any more.  Church attendance seems to be optional if nothing else gets in the way.  People are missing out on all the blessings that God wants to give them.  One of the reasons for all the stress people feel is that they are not giving God His prime time on the day of rest and worship.
    This chapter also give more details about the creation.  This includes more details about marriage.  God said that Adam needed a special helpmate, a exceptional creation who would be beside him.  God created a man and woman to have a unique, exclusive relationship that will bring fulfillment and stability.  Becoming one is experienced in many special ways.  The family as God created it is the most important social unit in society.  God created the family and no one has the ability to change the definition or format of God’s gift to society.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I, along with hundreds of millions of other people, need to relearn the principle of rest.  We live in a 24/7 world where we get upset if we find a store or some other entity is closed.  What, I have to wait till tomorrow?  Can I take care of it on line?  We live in a world that is overstimulated with information and activity.  We need both physical and spiritual recharging regularly.  As I look at the life Jesus lived on earth, He regularly pulled back for refreshing.  That is harder to do these days with multiple voices calling from all directions with overwhelming demands.
    I am thankful for my wife.  God had a really good idea.  She brings so much to my life.  We are blessed with three sons.  I was blessed to grow up in a strong family with parents who were married for sixty years.  I saw both parents care for the other as they had long times of health issues.  They stuck together till the end.

3.  How can I help someone?
    People need to understand the specialness of God’s creation.  He gave us an amazing universe and world to live on.  He gave us beneficial relationships.  He made us.  Our world is focusing so much energy on the theory that we all came from a swamp somewhere.  That concept gives life little value.  We are seeing there results of that thinking.  I want to help people see how valuable they really are.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    In the beginning.  This is how the Book started.  God’s book goes back to the beginning.  And, key to this opening sentence is – In the beginning God . . .  It all starts with God and what He did.  There are more and more people today emphasizing the “fact” that we all came from a slime pond somewhere.  It was all simply a cosmic accident, a big explosion that ended up giving us this complex life.  Somehow all the ingredients for a universe appeared and then slowly, over billions of years, the extremely complex laws of science somehow just happened to come into existence.
    God is the creator. This gives value to all He created.  This especially gives value to human life.   We are told that God made mankind in His own image.  Live has great value.  Sadly, many today ignore this great value.
    God created all of nature and gave it the command to reproduce after its own kind.  The laws of science are very powerful and specific.  The command to reproduce after its own kind shows God’s creation and His creative ability.  The historical evidence shows this truth.  We do not find half this and half that.  Fish don’t give birth to sheep.  Each genetic family reproduces after its own kind.  Why do I think this is important?  Because it shows God’s control of creation and nature and shows that He specifically planned His amazing creation.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I can appreciate creation.  I have been privileged to see many different parts of the world and the large variety of what God made.  Everything I use has a designer.  The computer I am writing on took many intelligent people a great deal effort to come up with a piece of equipment that can do so much more than I can figure out how to use.  The planes I have flown in show how someone figured out the laws of aerodynamics to overcome the law of gravity.  The right design combined with sufficient power to push it causes a plane to fly and I can be in Europe in eight hours.  It all takes a designer.  God designed an awesome world and universe and gave it to us to live in and take care of.  I am thankful for His great gift and strive to live obeying His commands.
    I like the ending of this first chapter in the Bible.  God saw everything He had made and it was very good.  Yes, God did a very good job of speaking all creation into existence.  Everything He does is very good. That is encouraging.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the Creator.  When it says we are made in God’s image, it tells us we can know Him.  We have the capacity to know our Creator and receive all the benefits of that relationship.