Bible Chapter: Philippians 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Don’t worry. No, not just that famous saying “don’t worry, be happy”. But, don’t worry, and instead go to God in prayer, letting HIM know your needs. And then, God’s peace will fill your heart and mind. It is the peace that passes all understanding. This is the peace of God which exceeds anything we can understand. My personal translation of this phrase says it is God’s peace that doesn’t make sense.
When do we need peace? It is when things are not going well, when we get upset or hurt. That is when we need peace. How can it make sense to have peace during a time of pain and loss? It doesn’t make sense to have it, and that is exactly when God promises to give it. God’s peace is not a lack of conflict or stress, but His strength to carry us through stress, conflict and loss. I experienced this in an amazing way as I spent almost two weeks in the hospital with my family as my brother, Roger, was in the process of leaving this world to enter the presence of the Lord. We were there as he died. We planned and then attended the funeral. And, during all of that time this verse came over and over to me. While it was exhausting and extremely difficult, there was no panic. God gave us His peace. This is amazing, and it is real and made a major impact on my life when I needed it.
I could write volumes on this chapter. Verse 8 is a whole message in itself. What do you think on? What fills your mind? This verse gives us a list of things that will make a big difference in your life. Instead of filling your mind with violence, filth, immorality (as we commonly see around us these days), fill you mind with, concentrate on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Focus on things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Anyone who does these things will change their life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Getting peace and quiet is very hard to do any more. We have constant voices calling to us. We have an endless supply of music and all kinds of entertainment. Smart phones make it possible to have continual video, messages, e mail, music, news, movies, TV and the list goes on. We can carry hundreds of books and magazines in a small computer device. Plug a set of ear buds in one of these devices and a person can be consumed with information and entertainment continually.
I like technology. I think it is fun to have so much available, even though I am way behind in having and understanding all the latest gadgets. But, I must think of what I am constantly putting into my mind. I must get God’s Word in my thoughts. I must get things that are praiseworthy and uplifting to God in my thoughts. I must control what is so readily available and let what I put in my thinking draw me closer to God.
I must remember verse 13, that I can do all things through CHRIST who is my strength. All the other toys we have can be a distraction from what is most important.
3. How can I help someone?
I can live in God’s peace, so that people can see it is possible and make life much better. I can show that God will help me through whatever I face, that God is my strength. In both chapters 3 and 4 Paul talked about rejoicing in the Lord. He even says it twice in chapter 4. This is a good thing to do and is a good example to help people.