Bible Chapter: I Timothy 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.How should you treat other people? They need to be treated with respect. Let purity influence the treatment of women. And, give proper respect and support to widows. These are some interesting thoughts that come from this chapter. They would make a major difference in the modern culture if they were applied. When there are people with real need, those with the ability to help must do so.
Paul also talks about support of those in ministry. He used the scriptural illustration of not muzzling the ox while it is treading the grain. Hopefully preachers aren’t oxen (just a joke). Those who work in the ministry are worthy of adequate support for what they do. The worker deserves his wages.
The one in ministry should not enter it too quickly. It requires spiritual maturity. This person must have a history of spiritual maturity and meet scriptural guidelines. God inspired the scriptures and it is important to follow the teachings, even when the culture questions them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must be careful how I treat people. A person can get lazy in their responses to people and forget they are worthy of respect. Even if they have done bad things, they are worthy of respect as a person. This does not take away accountability a person has for their actions. There are consequences that result from sinful behavior, but the person is still worthy of being treated properly. This can be hard to do, but it is good to do.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people by how I treat them (see question 2). This is especially true of older people. It is easy to see how they change and aren’t able to do as many things as they did, or their perspective on life changes. They get slower. I have seen many young people mock the elderly. That must never happen. It is disrespectful and displeasing to God.