Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bible Chapter: Philippians 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Be like-minded.
Be of one accord.
Be of one spirit and purpose.
Don’t do anything through strife.
Have a humble heart considering others.
Don’t only look out for your own interests.
Do everything without complaining.
    Wow!  What a list.  This list of things that are expected of believers in Jesus will make a major difference in a local church and the surrounding world.  What a world it would be if all believers followed this advice. Much would get done because there would be no time wasted in trying to fix things.  As they say, just a thought.
    Our mind, our attitude should be the same as Jesus.  Even though He was seated in the heavenly places He didn’t think it too much of a sacrifice to leave it all and come to this earth.  He came to be the sacrifice for the sins of the whole human race.  He came to humble Himself and be obedient, even to the death of the cross.  The price He paid was real.  This follows the thoughts that open the chapter and we see that Jesus applied them.
    Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, He has been highly exalted.  The statement that every knee will bow and proclaim Him as Lord comes to my mind often as I see how much He is mocked and His name is disparaged.  It is almost a game any more for people to mock Jesus and openly reject Him and His teachings.  And then they try to get others to insult Jesus as well.  Some day they will bow down and declare Jesus as Lord.  Except, sadly, it will be too late for them to receive His forgiveness.  I’m glad we can do that today.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must apply the things I have already written about.  I must make a strong effort and commitment to keep the peace among believers.  We really ARE on the same side.  We are working for the Lord and building up His work.  My own wishes are not what is important.  My attitude must be based on what I see in Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    When I apply these principles in life, I will be helping those around me, for they will be benefitted by my life and attitudes.  Attitudes are critically important.