Bible Chapter: I Thessalonians 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Because Paul had been hindered from visiting with the believers in Thessalonica, he finally sent Timothy to visit them and bring a report. They didn’t have any other communication available to them. Paul rejoiced at the good report that came back. He was concerned because of the trials the church was facing that they might have drifted from serving God since Paul had to leave. Paul was concerned with the power of the tempter to draw them away from Jesus. They had remained faithful to Jesus. Yes, we can overcome temptation, we do not have to yield.
There is a real spiritual battle that is raging in the world. Evil is real. Satan is real and his ultimate goal is to destroy the eternal souls of people. Believers today must remain aware of this battle and stay focused on and faithful to the Lord. That is the path to victory.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Paul prayed that God would strengthen their hearts so they would be blameless and holy in His presence. That is a good goal for all of us. We must be strengthened in God’s power so that we keep focused and on track.
I have had the privilege of ministering in some various areas of the world. I also have the privilege of technology and can maintain some contact with a few of those I have met and ministered to and with. It is encouraging to see what God is continuing to do. Paul would have loved to be able to do that. I will be encouraged by the good reports I hear of what God is doing.
3. How can I help someone?
As I have the opportunity to minister to people, I can still pray for them when I have to head back home. I can maintain contact and be an encouragement. This encouragement can work both ways.