Bible Chapter: I Timothy 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Believers in Jesus are to be people of prayer, peaceful, godly and holy. This pleases the Lord. It is God’s desire that all people would come to Him and be saved, know the truth and worship Him. Jesus said that Satan is the father of lies. Jesus is truth. Timothy was to help the church overcome false teachings that had made their way into their thinking. God’s desire is that all will come to the knowledge of the truth. And, the truth is that there is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ. Jesus is not one of the ways to God, He is THE way to God. Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for lost humanity.
Paul brought up a topic that desperately needs to be addressed today as well as back then. He is talking about dressing modestly. God expects His followers to dress in such a way as to not promote lust in others and promote sexuality. It is very possible to dress in an attractive way without exposing a person’s body in a sensual way. Our modern culture doesn’t seem to understand that. Jesus said that when a man lusts after a woman he has committed adultery in his heart. If a woman dresses in such a way to promote that lust, she is just as guilty. I know this may not be a popular belief, but I believe it is true.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to apply biblical truth in my life. This chapter covers some topics that are not popular with some segments of the church world today. But, I must follow the intent and meaning of the Bible. Since God is pleased by prayer, peacefulness and holiness, I must continue to strive for that in my life.
3. How can I help someone?
This same author, Paul, in writing to the church at Philippi, told them to follow his example. I can follow that concept and strive to be an example of the things this chapter covers. This verse is:
“The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9 NKJV