Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bible Chapter: I Thessalonians 5

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    We don’t know when Jesus is going to return.  We must simply be ready.  From our perspective of history, 2,000 years after Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, it is easy to see why Jesus didn’t say how long it would be before His return.  People would have just ignored the future coming of Jesus.  We are told in the Bible to live ready at all times. The world is looking for human solutions to their problems.  God gives us our hope for the permanent solution.  We will spend eternity with Him.  In the mean time we are to live a life of control, not giving in to anything that wants to take over.
    This books ends with several quick words of encouragement.  We are to be helpful and encouraging.  We are to live in God’s joy, praying much and being thankful.  The works and gifts of the Holy Spirit will be important for our lives.  And God will sanctify us and keep us blameless for the coming of the Lord.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must be alert to what is happening in the world.  I must be alert to what the Bible says and see how that impacts what is happening in the world.  As I write this there are two major tragic stories in the news.  Unfortunately, there will be more.  God’s plan is that we will receive the benefits of salvation, that we will live together with Him.  This chapter encourages self-control.  I must not let any outside influence control my life.  It must be totally submitted to Jesus.
    The encouragement to be joyful always is a good word.  It is so easy to get frustrated and discouraged.  God’s joy is encouraging and uplifting and we can make the choice to be joyful instead of defeated.

3.  How can I help someone?
    This book has several references to the coming of the Lord.  As people get that thought in mind, it will help them to focus on what is important - being ready for the return of Jesus.  I know that many scoff at that thought, since it’s been 2,000 years.  But, in God’s eyes that is just a couple of days.  That’s nothing in light of eternity.  Live ready.