Bible Chapter: I Timothy 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.There will come a time when people will abandon the faith and follow deceptive teachings. I believe we are living in that time. When I see the number of things being taught by churches these days it is obvious that many have walked away from the Bible as their clear guide for teaching and life. People are saying things such as we are more intelligent today and have greater insight, so therefore we can interpret the Bible in new and different ways. This kind of teaching is demonic and comes from hypocrites and liars. This chapter is very strong teaching, but is amazingly accurate about today, considering this was written around 2,000 years ago.
Paul told Timothy to be an example for people to follow. Even in his youth, he was to be a model of purity and faithfulness. This is what God expects from those in spiritual leadership positions. He said to be diligent in these matters, giving himself completely to these things so people will see them. Persevere. Then Timothy would be accomplishing what God wanted in his life and ministry.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must be faithful to teach what the Bible really says. The cultural pressure is emphasizing the importance of allowing everyone to come up with the beliefs that make them feel comfortable. Comfort, ease and permission are new trends to follow. If that means that the Bible is ignored or completely reinterpreted, so be it. People want to have permission to sin, and sadly, churches are giving them that permission. I must not get caught up in that demonic trap. While there are new technologies and methods to use in spreading the gospel, there is no new message. The message and impact of John 3:16 (as well as the whole Bible) is universal. I will have nothing to do with godless myths. I will put my hope in the living God.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people by being honest in my handling of the Bible. I don’t help them by changing the message and assuaging their conscience. That can make them feel better, but, when they stand before God as their Judge, they will see how wrong we all were. By then it is too late. Medically, we have excellent doctors who understand medicine and can give real help to people. There are also quacks who can sell some “cure” that only masks the symptoms. These “cures” cause people to die. I won’t be a spiritual quack who offers spiritual “cures” that don’t bring a person to Jesus or accomplish God’s purpose in their life. Eternal life comes only through Jesus.