Bible Chapter: Philippians 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in HIM and all He is. The human tendency is to do the opposite of what God has planned for us. It is much easier to grumble and complain. It is easier to make life miserable for ourselves and others. But, we are charged to rejoice in the Lord.
Paul give us his pedigree. He had much to brag about. He had all the details of life that many would have been jealous of. Then, in his learning and growing in the Lord, he came to the conclusion that none of it really mattered. He said that he counted it all as nothing more than a pile of rubbish. Some translations use the word dung, you know, a pile of manure. It all was nothing compared to the excellency of knowing Jesus as Lord. Even though he suffered great loss, it didn’t matter to him.
Paul said that he was pushing on to grow in his walk with Jesus. He was pressing on towards the mark of the highest place, the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. He was running a race and intensely pressed on to reach the goal.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A challenging verse is found in verse 17. He told the believers to follow him and look at his example. I have heard people say that no one should ever look at another person and follow their example. That is not possible and not biblical. Yes, we are to look first and foremost to Jesus. But, we also must live this life here on earth. Is it possible to actually live as Jesus taught? If not, then let’s quit. But, since it is possible and expected, then there are people we can look to and learn from to help us know how to live the Christian life. Paul said that they could look at him to see how to do it. That is a challenge for me and every believer to apply, to be a good example.
To be a good example, I must continue to, as Paul said, to press towards the mark, to press towards the prize of eternity. I must get a proper context of things in comparison to eternity.
3. How can I help someone?
I must be the example Paul talked about. That is often harder to do than it seems. We all face challenged and difficulties that get in the way. I can’t make excuses, I must do what God expects.