Bible Chapter: Colossians 1
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.It is all about Jesus. Nothing else needs to be added. He is the One Who made the sacrifice to pay for the sins of the world and restore the broken relationship the human race has with God. He is supreme. He is the Creator and has all authority. No human philosophy can be added to the recipe for salvation. Reconciliation has been accomplished through the sacrifice on the cross, the actual death of Jesus as He was executed by the Roman government. We who believe in Jesus are no longer alienated from God. This is the gospel that was proclaimed and it doesn’t change.
Through Jesus, the one and only head of the church, we can come to a place of spiritual maturity and must continue to strive for more maturity in Him. This maturity shows itself in love for God and strives to do His will as we live a life of love towards others. Believers must give it all they have to work for and represent Jesus.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can be careful to not get caught up in the destructive behavior of false doctrine (much of it is appealing to the flesh). I must read and study the Bible so I can recognize and be aware of false teachings that creep up. There are many that appear. It takes spiritual discernment and a strong understanding of scripture to sort out the true and false. I can’t make a doctrine on just one or two verses. I must interpret scripture with other scripture. The church at Colosse was being infiltrated with false teachings. Verse 9 talks about understanding God’s will through spiritual wisdom and understanding. The more His will is revealed, the stronger I will become.
3. How can I help someone?
When I see false teachings coming around I must help people see what they are. The same is true for accurate teachings, I must help people see and apply them. The spiritual battle is intense, and appears to becoming more severe. We cannot just consider it nothing, but must focus on Jesus and the Bible and continue to mature in our relationship with Jesus.