Bible Chapter: Colossians 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter wraps up this short letter. It begins with the reminder for them to devote themselves to prayer. It includes the statement that Epaphras was always wrestling in prayer for them, that they would stand firm and mature in the Lord. Prayer is the spiritual battle we are all called to participate in. It is also one of the most challenging things to do. Paul said that Epaphras wrestled, agonized in prayer. Fervent prayer is necessary. It is also one of the easiest spiritual disciplines to skip. I believe that is because of the effectiveness of prayer. We must keep the importance of prayer in mind and then actually do it.
Even though Paul was writing from prison, he didn’t plead for his release. He didn’t talk about how unfair it all was. He told them to remember his chains. But, his prayer request what that he could clearly proclaim the message of Jesus. This shows his heart and his priorities. It was critical for him to let people know about what Jesus will do for them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I am constantly reminded of the necessity of prayer. I am constantly reminded to be active in prayer. I am also constantly challenged to pray. This jumps out to me reading this chapter. So, what must I do? I must continue to pray. I must refuse to let all the other things get in the way of prayer.
Paul wrote we are to continue steadfast and persevere in prayer, while we are spiritually alert. There are many detours and roadblocks to prayer. I must refuse to let them get in the way.
3. How can I help someone?
Pray. Did I mention that already? Prayer will set people free and impact their lives. So, pray.