Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Chapter nine continues the theme started in chapter eight of encouraging generosity. Paul reminded the Corinthian church of their commitments to help other believers. He spoke of some important heart principles. It is not as much the fact that they would give money for a specific need, but that their hearts were right in the process. He spoke of not giving grudgingly, but with a willing and cheerful heart. This translates to giving and reaping, the gift given is seed for God to bless and prosper. God loves a cheerful giver. In giving, as in all aspects of the Christian life, attitude is a key ingredient.
This giving and reaping is not a get rich scheme. Paul specifically said that they would be made rich so they could be generous. Material resources are provided so they can be used and bless, not hoarded. They are given so they can be given. No, that sentence is not a mistake. All of the popular teachings that promote an opulent lifestyle as the Christian way are more a reflection of western culture than a teaching of the Bible. A heart rich in Christlike love is the foundation for the Christian life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I think of happy people I know. Generally, included in their lifestyle is a generous spirit. They are ready to do what they can for others. I don’t think I have ever met anyone with a generous spirit who is a sour person. I am reminded of the song we sang as kids -
Jesus and Others and You, what a wonderful way to spell JOY. . . Put yourself third and spell joy.
The person who doesn’t always have to be first and most important will more likely have the joy of the Lord in their heart.
3. How can I help someone?
I need to listen to the Lord to respond when there is something He wants me to do to help someone.