Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Paul spoke of his jealousy. Don’t be alarmed, this is a good jealousy. His love for the believers in Corinth caused this jealousy and compelled him to care for them that they would remain close and connected with Jesus. He uses the picture of marriage to illustrate the proper relationship of Christians to their Lord. Paul said he promised them to one husband to present them as a pure virgin to Jesus. They were being drawn by false teachings and being drawn away from God. Their minds were being led astray from the truths they had been taught. The enemy was coming as an angel of light to deceive them.
The picture of marriage and a pure bride is an important one. For human marriage, God’s plan has always been for a man and woman to save themselves for marriage that they enter it as virgins. Our confused world today doesn’t understand that. In fact many would say that is impossible and unreasonable. Understanding this biblical truth helps us understand what Paul was writing for the church. Believers are to make a personal commitment to Jesus and then remain faithful to Him and the clear teachings of the Bible. They are not to let any false teachings creep in. Sin is extremely deceptive and can cause people to believe a lie. The teachings of the Bible won’t change.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must continue to apply the teachings of the Bible in my life. From the beginning there have been people who claim to have extra-biblical revelations that expand what the Bible says. They claim spiritual authority equal to the Bible and draw people away with deception. In the name of religion, even in the name of Christianity, I can find many teachings that contradict the Bible. Some, in the name of Christ claim that they have new revelations today, that we have greater insights than they had 2,000 years ago. Therefore we must change our teachings. That is simply not true and I must be a student of the Bible to properly apply it.
3. How can I help someone?
Many people today have been lulled to spiritual sleep by thinking that it really doesn’t matter how they live as long as they don’t do things that are really bad. As long as they don’t become a murderer or something similar, they are fine. I must continue to pray for people for their spiritual eyes to be opened to the need of admitting their sin and claiming Jesus as Lord.