Bible Chapter: Ephesians 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The second half of this book talks about how believers in Jesus are to live. This chapter hits that theme directly. Paul starts out calling for unity in the church. Splits, fights and divisions have been so common throughout the centuries and that is very sad. The enemy knows that if believers are fighting among themselves they will not be doing God’s work. There is one Lord and we must all serve Him. I like the statement I have heard - we will have peace and unity around here even if we have to fight to keep it.
The truth of an old life before Jesus and a new life after receiving Him is emphasized here. All believers must acknowledge the old life and put it off. They must not keep going back to it. We are called to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. No, we are not God, but we are to strive to be like Him and reject the call of sin. We are called to truthfulness, rejection of anger, honesty and hard work. We are to control our words, getting rid of all bitterness, rage, brawling and slander. We are to be kind and compassionate. I wonder how things would change if everyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus did those things.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter includes a job description for church leaders. We are to teach and help people mature in the Lord so they can do the work God calls them to do. The directive is to prepare God’s people for works of service. I must also help people see the other teachings in this chapter, those calling for a life that is new and different from what was normal before Jesus. People are challenged to no longer be spiritual infants, but mature in Jesus. I want to help them accomplish these goals.
3. How can I help someone?
Since this chapter is written to believers in Jesus, I want to help them see the new life that they have and can live as they serve the Lord. Yes, there really is a new life God offers and then expects us to live once we make Jesus our Lord. I want to help people see and live that life.