Bible Chapter: Galatians 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus came to the world to set us free. Free from what? Free from the power of sin. Free from the yoke of slavery to sin. People think that sinning and doing anything they want IS freedom. They don’t realize that this “freedom” is really slavery to sin. The freedom given by Jesus is what everyone in the world is searching for. Jesus gave it to us as a free gift. The enemy of our souls loves to twist this truth. Since you are free, you are free to sin and then get forgiveness as many times as you like. That is his lie. We are NOT free to sin and then keep running to God for forgiveness. We are free FROM sin, we are not free TO sin. There is a big difference.
We are told to not use our freedom to indulge the sinful nature. Instead, we are to use our freedom to love our neighbors. We can do this by living according to the direction of the Spirit. This direction is the complete opposite of the sinful nature. There can be no connection between the two.
For those who think God doesn’t care what you do, this chapter includes two direct and opposing lists. First we find a list of some of the things God calls sin. This list not only includes sexual immorality, but also jealousy. God doesn’t only hit on the “big” sins, but all sins. This is good to remember. The second list is the Fruit of the Spirit. What will grow in the life of a person following the leading of the Spirit? This list of fruit gives the answer. The world talks about this fruit much, but doesn’t seem to know how to get it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What do I want growing in my life? I can attempt to use my freedom to get away with sin. This is popular among some who call themselves Christians. I have heard people say they can’t sin, or, no matter what they do, they will go to heaven. This chapter clearly tells me to not use my liberty as a license to sin. I can also decide to live according to the Spirit so I won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh. Then, the Fruit of the Spirit will be growing in my life. It is a specific choice each person must make.
I will go for growing the Fruit.
3. How can I help someone?
I am not called to attack people about sin. I am also not called to change the definition of sin. I am called to be ready to tell people what God has done in my life and how He has delivered me from the destruction of sin. I want to help people see the difference.