Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bible Chapter: Galatians 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    A False Gospel.  This is what Paul said was being spread among the believers in Galatia.  They had received the message of Jesus as Savior and were serving Him.  Then came those who wanted to add to the teachings of what God revealed.  Paul was astonished that they could become deceived so quickly.  They were being drawn to a gospel which was not the real gospel.  To get the point across Paul said that anyone who preached anything other than the truth revealed by God should be accursed.  This is strong language.  But, it shows the importance of not changing the message of the Bible.
    Paul emphasized that what he taught did not come from some human teachings, not from some famous person seeking a following.  He received it from God and passed it along to them. Back then, as well as today, people are actively seeking to change the message of the church.  They are saying that the Bible is changing.  That simply is not true.  Paul’s warning here shows us the danger of doing so.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The application of the Bible in my life must be a priority.  I must strive to apply it according to the meaning God intended.  We live in an age of political correctness where the PC crowd is establishing the standards of right and wrong.  If a person goes against the PC standards, they are chastised.  Sadly, much of the PC standard is unbiblical.  I must apply the Bible, not what is popular.  That shouldn’t be all that complex to understand, but it seems to be confusing in our modern world.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see the simple message of the Bible.  One of the messages of the Bible that is confused today is the concept of what it means to love someone.  Many think that to love someone means that you simply accept who and what someone is and let them do what they want.  But, a loving parent who saw their toddler drinking poison wouldn’t sit back and say, “Well, they seem to like it”.  They would stop them and get the poison pumped out of their system.  Love directs, not enables.  That is one way I can help people - to help them understand God’s love and guidance that will give them the best life possible.