Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bible Chapter: Galatians 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Even though people repent and receive Jesus as their Personal Savior, they are not perfect.  The spiritual battle continues and sometimes they sin.  Paul said that when that happens the church should work to restore them to a place of repentance.  Sin must never be covered up or considered nothing.  The sinner must admit it and go to God for forgiveness and restoration.  The full commitment to Jesus, a life lived for Him, must be the desire.
    We are warned to not be deceived by the trickery of the evil one.  What we plant is what we harvest.  Those who plant sin will reap the destructive harvest.  Those who plant righteousness will harvest a crop they desire.  Yes, it really does matter what a person does.  God will not be mocked by those who claim Christianity while they participate in or promote the acceptance of sin.  The teachings of the Bible will never change.  So, we must continue to love God and do what the Bible instructs.  It is easy to get tired of doing what is right.  Sometimes it seems as if we are not accomplishing anything by doing right.  We are told to hold on and not give up, for in the right time we will see the rewards of faithfulness.  As has been said by many: keep on keeping on.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I must press on.  I must continue to do what I know God has called me to do.  When the enemy comes in with a sly message of heading out to the dangerous waters of compromise, I must always be alert and reject it.
    The world, the system of sin and common practices in society, is off limits.  The cross is the protector, the barrier to the world system that surrounds me.  I will not cherish the world’s values, standards, opinions and lifestyles.  Verse 14 says my only boast must be in the cross, everything else is worthless.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I see a world deceived by the pride of arrogance and knowledge.  I hear people say that today we have greater insights about life and right or wrong.  Since we know more, the claim is that we can accept and approve lifestyles and actions we once called sin.  Since this is completely contrary to the Bible, I must be ready to help people see the confusion and the blessings of obeying what the Bible really says.