Bible Chapter: Ephesians 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One powerful impact that must be true for all who confess Jesus as their Lord is that change must come in their life. Someone won’t become perfect over night, but there must be a process of change from the lifestyle they have been living to one that reflects Jesus to the world. Chapter two starts out with the statement that they had been dead in their trespasses and sins, in which they used to live when they followed the ways of the world. They followed a path of disobedience. They gratified the cravings of the sinful nature. Note that this is all in the past tense. This is what they were.
Now, they have been made alive with Jesus through His grace. Change has come. They were raised up to live in Christ. By grace salvation comes as God’s gift, not of our works lest we should boast. Change has come. This is the hope all have as we serve the Lord. Note my emphasis on change, it is one of the keys to growing in Christ.
This chapter also talks about the unity that comes in Christ. Human thinking and restrictions prevent many relationships that could be beneficial. When Jesus died and rose from the grave, He paved the way for all to come to Him. And, those who respond to that call become one through their relationship with Jesus. He is our peace and He breaks down the walls of separation that cause people to reject others because of prejudice. All believers become fellow-citizens of heaven.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Change. Change from the control of sin to the control of God. I must be in submission to Him and live so God remains in control of my life and reject when the tempter comes by to try to take back the control. Yes, I have been a believer for a long time. I must not get spiritually lazy. I must keep the focus on the goal, my citizenship in heaven.
I have also had the privilege of travel to other nations. I have been in churches of various size and culture. The unity of the Spirit has been amazing. I can go to a place where I am culturally or racially completely out of place and be at home with the believers. Christ has made us one and broken down the wall of partition between us.
3. How can I help someone?
Verses 8-9 are well-known verses. It is by God’s grace we are saved as we express faith in Jesus. It is not our own good works that gives us salvation, lest we should boast about how awesome we are. I want to help people see this truth. God’s free gift of eternal life is open to anyone who will receive it.