Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The Bible talks about heaven and the promise of an eternal home with the Lord. When I was a child I remember hearing some kids talking about the fact that they didn’t want the Lord to come too soon as they wanted to grow up and . . . (fill in the blank of things they wanted to experience in life). Paul expressed a desire to be with the Lord, which would be far better than living here on earth, whatever exciting things we may experience. With that in mind he made it his goal to please the Lord. He knew that some day he would stand before God as his judge. He didn’t want anything to interfere with receiving the eternal reward.
An awesome promise about what God wants to do is to reconcile people to Him. When we come to Jesus as our Savior He makes us a brand new creation. The old is gone and we are made new. We become more like Jesus. Jesus took on our sin so that we could take on His righteousness. We are restored in fellowship with the Lord, the fellowship that was lost because of sin. As we repent the lost relationship is restored.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Keeping a focus of eternity, keeping my mind and efforts on pleasing God will make my life what God planned it to be. Verse 7 says that we live by faith and not by sight. God has given me sufficient reason to live by faith in Him and expect to receive the reward for serving Him. This faith must remain consistent, living with the expectation that I will be blessed to spend eternity in God’s presence. Since Jesus has made me a new creation, I must live the life. In eternity there will never be any regrets for living as a new creation in Jesus.
3. How can I help someone?
God has given His followers the ministry of reconciliation. We are to help people see what is available to them. Unfortunately we can never force a person to believe. But, we can pray and tell. I have used verse 17 countless times in talking with people. It is a promise that makes all the difference in the world, Jesus will make you a new creation. People need to know this, since they often feel frustrated at their lack of ability to change. We can’t change our nature but God will make us new.