Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 13
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What about sin? Is it a big deal? Does it matter if people go out and sin? It appears that some in the Corinthian church didn’t think sin was much of an issue. Paul ends this letter with a powerful statement and challenge to them. He repeated that he had warned them about continuing to practice sin. When he showed up again he would not spare those who insisted on actively sinning. He would not let them think that sin was no big problem. He would call them out and deal with them. He would not let them get away with promoting sin in the church.
Why would Paul do this? Simply because the active participation in sin will destroy a person. Sin is a hard taskmaster and breaks any relationship a person may have with God. Jesus didn’t die on the cross to enable sin, but to give victory over it. The book of Proverbs says the way (the life) of a transgressor is hard.
Verse 5 contains an important challenge. Believers are to examine, test themselves to see that they are in the faith. Are they the real thing? Are they an imposter? Paul’s desire is that they will discover they are the real article, a genuine believer in Jesus. This is a good challenge for all of us today.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We live in a world that is completely confused regarding right and wrong. It is bewildered about the issue of truth. Many say that truth can change. As I write this another famous person has just come out in favor of something the Bible calls sin. Because of a family member’s participation in sin, and the fact that they say they love this person, they have changed their beliefs. This person even used the Bible to justify his stance of acceptance of a sinful act. He took one part of the Bible out of context to justify his change in beliefs to justify what another part of the Bible calls sin.
How do I apply the Bible? Do I look for verses to rationalize what I want permission to do? Do I look at the latest public opinion polls and modify my stance to go along with the majority? Do I look at the Bible as God’s immutable standard? The answer to these questions will impact my life and eternity. I must apply the Bible as God intended it to be, not as is convenient.
3. How can I help someone?
People must see the truth about truth. There are those who are absolutely convinced of the truth that there is no absolute truth. They will say that and believe it and not see the contradiction of their statement. When I can help people see the Bible as the standard for life I will help them go in the best and only direction to make life worth living.