Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The editors of my study Bible have put the title “Generosity Encouraged” at the beginning of this chapter. The principle of generosity is taught throughout the Bible. No, not the principle of give so you can collect lots of stuff, but giving out of a Christlike heart. Believers are encouraged to excel in the grace of giving. Giving must be done with the right attitude. Any blessing God gives us financially as a result of generosity is for the purpose of more giving, not hoarding.
Giving with a Christlike spirit establishes ownership. God owns it all and we are simply managers to use it properly. This starts with regularly tithing to our local church, as well as offerings for missions and other needs. It goes out from there.
Jesus set the example. Verse 9 tells us that He became poor so that we might become rich through His poverty. The footnote in the Fire Bible says “All the gifts of grace and salvation, the kingdom of heaven, and even disgrace for the sake of Christ are the everlasting riches we have received in exchange for the rags of sin.” Jesus left the glories of heaven to live a lowly life here on earth (became poor) that we can receive the blessings of His presence in our lives on earth and inherit a home in heaven (become rich).
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The average person has times of need and times of plenty. Verses 13-15 teach the principle of ministering back and forth to meet needs. Sometimes a person has a need and they must be willing to receive. Other times they will be in the position to give to help others in need. God showed this principle to Israel in Exodus 16 in the provision of the manna, the food they ate in the wilderness. They were each to gather food daily. They all had what they needed - one did not have too much and another didn’t have too little. I must apply these truths to life, understanding the blessings of generosity.
I believe a key to the application of generosity is doing it with the right attitude. It is not “Well, I guess I HAVE to be generous”. I get to be generous. One of my favorite book titles is a book written by E. M. Clark, “How To Be Happy Giving Your Money Away”. He learned throughout his life and ministry that God’s plan is for believers to be generous and then watch God take care of the needs. My father taught that principle and lived it all his life. Even recently I was talking with someone about something my parents had, wondering where it was. We thought, well, they probably gave it away.
3. How can I help someone?
God honors generosity as we listen to His guidance. I can help people by listening to God and responding to need as He directs.