Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Bread. Food.  We all like it.  There is a silly old poem that says: food, food, my favorite dish.  The more I eat the more I wish, I had more food, food, my favorite dish, the more I eat the more I wish, I had more . . . . and it goes on and on and on.  Food and water are absolutely necessary to sustain life.  Jesus used something universal that every person can understand to help us grasp the necessity of continuing to rely on HIM, our spiritual food.
    Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”.  Do you want spiritual nourishment?  You will find it in Jesus.  You will find it in His words.  It is God’s desire that every person believe in Jesus and receive forgiveness.  Then, the believer must learn the Bible and learn to apply it in daily life.  Just as a meal of delicious food is worthless until someone eats it, so the Bible won’t accomplish its purpose until people read it, meditate on it and apply it to life.
    John opened his book by declaring that Jesus is the Word become flesh.  The Bible is God’s written word that is the bread of life.  We live by every word that comes from God.  Receive and obey God’s Word.  This is an ongoing process for life.
    One of the saddest verses in the Bible is found here when many people said that the teachings of Jesus were hard.  Many had been following Him to see the miracles and get free food.  When the truth of commitment to God came up, they left.  It is sad to read that from this time many turned back and no longer followed Jesus.  Jesus asked His disciples if they would leave also.    Peter had the perfect answer in John 6:68 NKJV.
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
    There is no other one who can give what Jesus gave and continues to give.  Only in Him, no matter what the cost, will we find life and the power to face the difficult times of life.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Why do I follow Jesus?  This chapter talks about the large crowds that followed looking for the “entertainment” of miracles and the fun of a free lunch. They traveled long distances to see the latest that Jesus was going to do.  Then, when they realized that Jesus was more than just a sideshow, that He had come with a message from God and expected commitment, they went back to their mundane lives.  So, again, why do I follow Jesus?  I must follow Him for the right reasons.  I must serve Him so that He gets the credit.  I must feast on the eternal bread offered and sustain life through that.
    Jesus said that the Father draws people to Him.  This is done in cooperation with the Holy Spirit convincing people of sin.  The call is there, but each person must respond and receive it.  I must continue to live in submission to God’s call.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see the real call of Jesus.  Jesus is NOT a show, and church is not entertainment.  It is not the best performance in a church service that makes a difference in a person’s life, but the work of God revealing Himself.  I can help people see it is worth anything it takes to serve Jesus.  It is never the right thing to walk away and take the “easy” route.  That way is easy for just a short time, then the real payday comes.