Bible Chapter: Luke 23
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The first thought that jumps out to me is that people hate Jesus. Pilate said that he couldn’t find anything wrong with Jesus. He said Jesus had not done anything requiring charges to be brought against Him. The mob responded in anger against His teachings. Pilate said Jesus had done nothing deserving death. But the crowd went into a frenzy demanding the release of Barabbas (a convicted murderer) and the death of Jesus. This animosity against Jesus continues today. In the public arena the voices and messages of anyone is accepted. That is anyone but Jesus. The message and words of Jesus are twisted to say things they were never meant to say. Two thousand years ago the crowd was stirred up against Jesus. It is happening again today. There are even churches who have policies against preaching the cross and the blood of Jesus. Throughout the gospels there are illustrations of people specifically looking for any crack in the teachings of Jesus to make an accusation. That tactic is still employed today.
This chapter also includes Luke’s account of the crucifixion. It is easy to read these verses and skim over this story. We cannot do that. We must allow the impact of what happened to stir us. The reason why Jesus had to endure this torture was because of sin. The word sin is another change in the world. “Sin” has been taken out of our vocabulary. We have softened the words and redefined terms to make anything acceptable. The only “sin” appears to be not accepting the actions and desires of what people want to do. But the suffering of Jesus was real. This is the most basic teaching about Jesus that the world needs to accept. Major religions reject the concept that God would suffer for the human race. If that truth is destroyed, nothing is left that matters. The crucifixion paid the penalty for sin and overcomes the destructive work of Satan.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must stand for Jesus. It must not be because it is popular, but because it is right. A man named Joseph asked to bury His body. Joseph was a member of the Council who had not consented to the decision and action to crucify Jesus. He was in the unpopular minority. He treated Jesus with respect and gave Him a proper burial. I’m sure that was not popular with some of the important people. That didn’t matter, he did it anyway.
I must keep the picture of what Jesus did, and what it really cost Him, alive in my thinking. I have had the privilege of being in Israel and seeing many of the locations where Jesus was. A few places stand out. There is a place called the Pavement where Jesus was whipped. Then there is Golgotha, the place of the skull and the garden tomb. These places are significant and help remind me of what Jesus did. His motivation? Love for people and a desire to restore our relationship with God. I must make sure my relationship with Him is continually growing.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people understand what really went on. Jesus came to this earth because He is our only hope. It is the work of God to speak to hearts and convince them of their need of Jesus. It is my work to help explain it.