Bible Chapter: John 11
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Sometimes it seems like God is failing, making a mistake. Verse 6 says that Jesus delayed two days after He heard that Lazarus was sick. THEN He said it was time to go. What was He doing? He reveals that in verses 14-15.
14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. Nevertheless let us go to him.” NKJV
Jesus knew what He was doing. This was an opportunity to show God’s amazing power. Many believed in Jesus because of the amazing miracle that was about to take place. John wrote that Jesus loved this family. What seemed like failure was revealed as God’s plan to draw many to Him.
This chapter contains the shortest verse in the English Bible. Verse 35 simply says “Jesus wept”. It shows His compassion for the family as they were grieving their loss. He joined them in their grief.
When the right time came, Jesus called out to Lazarus to come out of the tomb. Many have appreciated Martha’s honesty when she said they shouldn’t take the stone away from the tomb because by now he would stink. The decay of rotting flesh is obnoxious. That’s a good picture of the destruction of sin against people. Jesus didn’t let that stinky fact stop the miracle that was about to take place. At the command of Jesus Lazarus came walking out of the tomb (with difficulty because his body had been wrapped in burial cloths) and they celebrated new life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jesus did what He knew He was supposed to do in spite of the fact that it would cause people to rise up against Him. The Sanhedrin gathered in fear. They said that if they didn’t stop Jesus then all would believe in Him. It would cost them political power. Their conclusion was that Jesus had to die and they plotted to kill Him.
This makes me think about when it is not popular to stand for Jesus. In our culture today it is becoming more and more popular to speak against and outright mock Jesus and those who believe in Him. Many in churches have changed their beliefs to make Jesus more palatable while also accepting the validity of other beliefs. It is called compromise. It is called straying from the truth. Jesus didn’t compromise or stray from right doctrine. He stuck with what was right even when it was not popular. This kind of compromise that is becoming popular may appear to make things easier for a while, but it steals from God the honor and commitment He is due. While God never called us to be obnoxious, He did call all true believers to follow and apply Biblical truths, no matter how unpopular they are.
One of Satan’s lies these days is to say that if you disagree with me, you hate me. We now have “hate speech” and “hate crimes”, all designated to justify sin. Whatever the motivation, murder is wrong. Crimes should be punished because of the act, not the victim. Because of this twisting of logic dealing with “hate”, many are compromising truth. Jesus didn’t compromise and I can’t either.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to see Jesus. They need to see His compassion for them. When things go bad the deceiver convinces people to walk away from God, for, obviously God has failed them. This is simply not true. I need to help them see God and His plan and compassion. When they are drawn to HIM, life will change.