Bible Chapter: John 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter enters Jesus into His last week before His arrest and crucifixion. He went to the house of his friends; Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Mary anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume. Judas, the thief, said it was a waste of money. Jesus defended her actions saying it was done for the day of His burial. After over three years of public ministry, teaching and gaining a following, the real purpose of Jesus’ being on earth was about to come to fruition. Many of the people who gathered that day were interested in seeing Lazarus because Jesus had brought him back to life. The chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus because he was causing many to believe in Jesus. I wonder, didn’t they think it would be an impossible task to kill him? Since he came back to life, it would appear that he wouldn’t die till it was God’s time. Just a thought.
Included in this last week was the triumphal entry. Jesus allowed the public accolades as he rode the donkey into Jerusalem. It was the fulfillment of prophecy.
A few interesting thoughts from the words of Jesus.
A seed has to be buried and die. But, when it does, it brings a great harvest.
To love this life is to miss out on the eternal life Jesus offers.
Jesus is light. His followers will not walk in darkness.
To reject His words is to bring, in the end, judgement.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The story of the Triumphal Entry, also known as Palm Sunday, has been told countless times. It is the time when Jesus fulfills prophecy and allows a large public demonstration of praise. The crowd is looking for deliverance from oppression and many think Jesus may be the One Who will set them free. They were missing the purpose of His life on earth. Jesus’ kingdom is spiritual, it is eternal. He didn’t come to become a political leader. He came to be a spiritual leader, our Savior.
Especially when the political activity in our culture is gaining much publicity, it is easy to think that all my answers will be found if the right person gets elected. Political leaders are important and the decisions they make affect the lives of all the citizens of a country. But, they don’t impact eternity or change lives. It is only Jesus who can give eternal life and change a person’s heart. I need to continually look to Jesus as the Savior for me and everyone.
Jesus said that those who serve Him must follow Him. To follow is to go where the leader goes. This requires a personal commitment to keep His teachings, apply self-denial and take up whatever cross Jesus puts before a person. Following means deep commitment and actions that prove it.
3. How can I help someone?
People must see Jesus as more than a good man or teacher. Many in the crowds came to see Lazarus, almost like a side-show. Some got caught up in the excitement of the triumphal entry. When something exciting is happening, many will show up. People must see Jesus as the Savior for the daily issues of life as well as eternity. Jesus is the Savior when things are routine and well as exciting. Jesus is here to carry us through the challenges of life. When people see Jesus and His love, they will be drawn to HIM, then the other issues of life lose their control.