Bible Chapter: John 7
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.When people read the Bible there are times when a verse seems to jump out and speak. Verse 24 did that to me as I read. John 7:24 NKJV
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
The NIV ends the verse with “make a right judgement”. Appearance as opposed to making a right judgement. This is something greatly needed in our world, both the secular and church world. Appearances are so deceiving. The entertainment world is filled with people who look attractive but have no substance. Their lives are so often empty of anything real. It is easy to make things look completely different from what they really are. The tempter always makes sin look so inviting and desirable. The tempter makes serving God look boring and worthless. Instead of seeing the benefits of submission to Jesus, the appearance presented often is of a price too great to pay.
Instead of going by what something looks like, we need to grasp eternal truths and use them to make right judgements. Judgements come from the standard used for judging. I always find it strange when a person in a restaurant asks the waitress what is good on the menu. That is completely subjective, based on the tastes (food standards) of the person. Do you like hot and spicy food? Do you like simple food? Do you like meat? Do you like vegetables? Those choices will settle what food is good or not.
Making right judgements can only be done when the person understands the teachings and principles of the Bible. Then right judgements can be made. God’s standards endure and work. This is a powerful verse.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A major portion of this chapter focuses on whether Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, or not. There were many who were conspiring to kill Him because they didn’t believe in Him. They couldn’t take Him at that time and kill Him because it wasn’t the right time in God’s plan. A continual application in my life of what it means to make Jesus the Lord is very necessary. Jesus talked about making the choice to do God’s will. I must continue to seek and follow His will for my life. This will give God honor.
3. How can I help someone?
A long time ago I heard someone say, “Find the hurt, and heal it”. That’s a good guide for helping people. What needs to people have? How can I help?