Bible Chapter: John 15
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.“I am the vine.” Jesus said that He is the source of real life. His followers, the branches, only have real life as long as they stay connected to HIM. The purpose of branches is to produce fruit. An apple tree that never produces any apples is worthless. An orchard would cut it down and not waste the space. Jesus said that branches that don’t produce fruit will be cut off. So, believers must abide, stay connected to Jesus. Life from the vine flows to the branches and they flourish. Therefore the branch must stay connected or it will die from lack of nourishment. As we bear fruit God is glorified.
Staying connected to Jesus makes for a powerful prayer life. Jesus said we are to ask and believe for the answers.
Jesus again reiterated the importance of keeping His commandments and loving one another. He repeated the commandment to love. Our obedience to Jesus shows that we are His friends. He said that He has chosen us to bring forth fruit that will last. It will be good fruit.
While we are to be careful to not be obnoxious, Jesus did say that the world would reject His followers. He reminds us that we are NOT of the world, we don’t belong and shouldn’t try to belong. Since Jesus was rejected, His followers can expect to be rejected as well.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What can I do to stay connected to Jesus? That is what I must understand and continually apply in daily life. The concept of “abide” is an ongoing and living connection. There are several basics to the Christian life that we have probably heard many times - Bible reading, prayer, obedience, living clean and resisting sin, etc. These must never become old, but must remain fresh so that the spiritual growth and the fruitfulness will continue.
I find it interesting that Jesus repeated so often in this short span of a few chapters the commandment to love and the benefits of obedience. These must have been very important. I know they were and are. Since Jesus was wrapping up His teaching time with His disciples, He was refreshing them with the most important thoughts. Love, obey and let the Holy Spirit testify of Jesus and then let the world know about God’s gift of eternal life.
3. How can I help someone?
Who is there that I know who is hard to love? Since loving someone is a choice, who is there that I need to make the decision and effort to love? Who needs the love of Jesus? These are good questions to answer and then do something about.