Bible Chapter: John 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Jesus is the healer. Another example of this is found here. He had compassion on a man lame for thirty eight years. He spoke the word of healing and the man got up, picked up the mat he was on, and walked away. John includes an interesting and important part of the story in verse 14. Later, after the miracle happened, Jesus saw the man again. He specifically told him to stop sinning, don’t keep on the sinful lifestyle, lest something worse happens to you.
This concept of living a life for Jesus, of rejecting the continued practice of sin, while not popular, is critically important. It seems to me that this is where many modern-day people stumble spiritually. After saying a prayer of repentance, they don’t let the power of God work in their lives to make the necessary changes like they should. There are not the lifestyle changes necessary to live the victorious Christian life. There remains too casual of an attitude towards sin. A Christian’s life should be characterized by actively living in obedience to the Bible. There must be a distinct difference in the lifestyle of the believer and the rest of the world. Sadly, that difference is shrinking with disastrous results.
This principle is expanded in verse 24. Jesus said the one who hears and believes His words has eternal life. The experts in Greek tell us that the tense of these two words, hears and believes, emphasize ongoing action. They are actions that must continue throughout life. Faith and the Christian life are not historical, but current and alive. In verse 29, Jesus expressed the final outcome of our lives, a resurrection to judgement. Those who have been obedient and faithful will rise to reward, those who have done evil to judgement and condemnation.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Live for Jesus. No person can live a Christian life without God’s power. The more we have the power of the Holy Spirit active in our lives the more victorious we are spiritually. The more we submit to the Lordship of Jesus the more we grow spiritually. So that needs to be the prime focus in life. Keeping the final judgement in focus is also a help. When we are tempted we never seem to see beyond the specific activity. We don’t see the long term consequences. If we would keep teachings like V. 28-29 In mind, it would help reject the short term “fun” of the sin presented.
John 5:28-29 NKJV
28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29 and come forth--those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.
3. How can I help someone?
Jesus gave a great point in V. 30. He said in Himself He could do nothing. He didn’t seek to please Himself but the One who sent Him. What would happen if I, and all who claim the name Christian, would apply this truth. What if I didn’t try to please myself but the One who sent me? What if we all did this? So many people in the world would find the help they seek because God knows so much better than we do.