Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bible Chapter: John 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Relationship.  That is a key word for all to understand.  To the one who has not yet received Jesus as their personal Savior, they need to understand that Jesus did NOT come to form a religion, but to offer a personal relationship with the Almighty Creator.  We can really come to know God.  To the one who has received Jesus, they need to continue to remember and build the relationship, not just go through the church ritual and routines that can become so familiar.  Jesus came to be the Shepherd to His flock.
    In Jesus’ time, it was extremely common to see flocks of sheep.  The shepherd wasn’t just some person who had a bunch of animals.  The shepherd named his sheep and each one was important to him.  That’s why Jesus could use an illustration of the shepherd who had one hundred sheep and, when he lost one, went out till he found it.  The people understood the relationship and why it was so important to find the one lost sheep.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He gave His life for His sheep.  The thief is coming to steal and kill, but Jesus gave Himself on the cross to give us life.  When we have Jesus we can live life to the fullest.  Those who listen to the thief have an endless battle filled with struggle.
    Proverbs 13:15 expresses it well.
Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard. NKJV
    Another translation says:  the way of transgressors is hard.  This verse clearly defines what Jesus was talking about.  The best and most real life is found in connection to HIM.  Life without Jesus is really hard.    He didn’t run away but gave His life for the whole world.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Jesus said that His sheep listen to His voice.  Listen does not mean just hear some sounds or read His words, but they FOLLOW what He says.  Their repeated and routine activity is to hear what Jesus taught and then put it into practice in their lives.  Those who refuse to listen will stray.
    I, and everyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus, absolutely must work hard to continue to learn what the Bible clearly says about life and eternity and then DO what it says.  I think that is one of the observations I have made about so many who claim Christianity.  Their walk doesn’t match their talk.  I must make sure that my talk and walk match.  I have sadly watched people walk away and quit following Jesus.  The “fun” of the world is too attractive.  It appears easier to not become so fanatical about Jesus, so they just drift.  Reading the Bible, praying, faithfully attending church, etc. all seem like too much effort. So, they just drift.  But the truth is that when life throws a real challenge, only those who have a solid connection with Jesus have what they really need to make it.

3.  How can I help someone?
John 10:9 NKJV
I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
    This is what people desperately need to know.  Jesus, HE is the entrance to life and living.  We must go through Him and then we will find the pasture, the sustenance we need for life.  No person ever entered the presence of God and was disappointed.  Jesus is life.